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2022-03-27 12:09:14 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env texlua
-- The MUSIXFLXVERSION below is the one checked against.
VERSION = "0.83.3.lua7"
Line breaking program for MusiXTeX.
(c) Copyright Ross Mitchell 1992-1997
(c) Copyright J. Hunsberger 1997
(c) Copyright 2009, 2010 Peter Breitenlohner <>
(c) Copyright 2011 Nikhil Helferty
(c) Copyright 2011 Bob Tennent
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Conversion to Lua by Nikhil Helferty, 2011.
Minor corrections by Bob Tennent
NH: Comments marked NH (such as this one) are comments new to the Lua
version. Most have to do with explaining any additions or changes made
necessary due to differences between Lua and C. Comments not so marked
are retained from C version.
Almost all comments from the C version have been put in this version as
well. Note that Lua variables are dynamically typed, and Lua has only
one data structure called "tables" which, though more flexible than
arrays, are essentially just used as arrays here.
lua7 2011/04/21 RDT
Decode option argument for debugging.
Revert to accepting .mx1 or .tex filenames.
Rationalize file-name variables.
lua6 2011/04/18 RDT
Revert to stand-alone use.
lua5 2011/04/13 RDT
Allow .mx1 file to have a version number only.
lua4 2011/04/12 RDT
Adaptation to being called from musixtex.tex
lua3 2011/04/11 RDT
Replaced body of eightfivefloat by string.format("%8.5f", ... )
lua2 2011/04/11 RDT
Change PRINT to print for dbug output.
lua1 2011/04/08 RDT
Strip off pt for L line.
-- max sizes
-- NH: these aren't needed for array sizes in Lua (tables grow dynamically)
-- but I am keeping the checks in case the maximums are necessary for
-- TeX processing
MAX_SIGNS = 128; MAX_SECTIONS = 128; MAX_BARS = 2048
function GETLINE()
linebuf = infile:read()
return linebuf
-- NH: declare tables
-- NH: the following tables were all arrays of type int in C
-- the following tables were size MAX_BARS in C (2048)
zbar = {}; lr_repeat = {}; raggedline = {}
l_repeat = {}; barno = {}
-- NH: the following tables were size MAX_SECTIONS in C (128)
autolines = {}; bars = {}; mulooseness = {}
-- NH: the following was of size MAX_SIGNS in C (128)
signchange = {}
-- NH: the following were counters declared for xbar sign change detection
-- xbar of size MAX_BARS, linegoal MAX_SECTIONS
-- xbar_count, xbar_flag, softspace_count were integers declared here
-- as they aren't tables they'll be declared upon use
xbar = {}; linegoal = {}
-- NH: the following tables were all arrays of type double in C
-- the following were size MAX_BARS
hardbarlength = {}; softbarlength = {}
width_leftrightrepeat = {}; width_leftrepeat = {}
-- NH: the following were size MAX_SECTIONS
eff_hardlength = {}; eff_softlength = {}
-- NH: the following were size MAX_SIGNS
oldsignskip = {}; signskip = {}; futuresignskip = {}
-- NH: (no need to add last \n as print does this)
function error_exit (error_number)
-- NH: the following if/elseif/else construction mirrors case structure
if error_number == 0 then
print("\nFile error.")
elseif error_number == 1 then
print("\nUsage: [texlua] musixflx.lua basename[.tex | .mx1] [ d | m | f | s ]")
elseif error_number == 2 then
print("\nThis shouldn't happen ! Too few bars or \\mulooseness too large ?")
elseif error_number == 3 then
print("\nThis shouldn't happen ! Too few bars in section !")
elseif error_number == 4 then
print("\nMissing endmark ! Forgotten \\stop[end]piece ?")
elseif error_number == 5 then
print("\nDivision by zero ! Ask a wizard !")
elseif error_number == 6 then
print("\nVersion mis-match:")
print("MusiXTeX version " .. linebuf)
print("musixflx expected version " .. MUSIXFLXVERSION)
elseif error_number == 7 then
print("\nFile not found: " .. infilename)
elseif error_number == 8 then
print("\nCorrupted " .. infilename)
elseif error_number == 9 then
print("\nToo many sections, maximum number of sections: " .. MAX_SECTIONS)
elseif error_number == 10 then
print("\nError in " .. infilename .. " at line " .. currentline)
elseif error_number == 11 then
print("\nToo many bars, maximum number of bars: " .. MAX_BARS)
print("!!! Can't go on !!!")
-- end error_exit
-- NH: there is really no analogue to the strrchr function in C, which is frequently used
-- to locate the location of a last occurrence of a string
-- so I coded a similar function for Lua
-- takes two strings (str and pat), and returns everything after the last occurence of pat
-- in str - if no occurrences of pat, then returns nil
function strrchr(str, pat)
notfound = true
currentIndex = 0
lastIndex = 0
while notfound do
currentIndex = string.find(str, pat, lastIndex+1, true)
if (not currentIndex) then -- NH: returned nil - no occurence past lastIndex
notfound = false
else -- NH: got a hit for an occurence - store this value as lastIndex
lastIndex = currentIndex
if lastIndex == 0 then return nil end -- NH: no occurence found
return string.sub(str, lastIndex+1)
-- NH: start "main chunk"
io.write(string.format("Musixflx-%s", VERSION))
-- initialize variables
junk = -9999
dbug = false
dbug_lines = false
dbug_logfile = false
showresult = false
detectraggedline = false
currentline = 1
samechapter = true
line_number = 0
chapterno = 1
lthick = .4
if dbug then
print("\n ... decoding command line")
filename = arg[1]
if not filename then
extension = string.sub(filename, -4, -1)
if extension == ".tex" or extension == ".mx1" then
basename = string.sub(filename, 1, -5)
basename = filename
debugging options:
d output debugging information to the screen
m output line numbers to the screen
f output debugging information to file basename.mxl (not mx1)
s output computed lines to the screen
if (#arg == 2) then
if (arg[2] == "d") then
dbug = true
elseif (arg[2] == "m") then
dbug_lines = true
elseif (arg[2] == "f") then
dbug = true
dbug_logfile = true
dbug_lines = true
elseif (arg[2] == "s") then
showresult = true
infilename = basename .. ".mx1"
-- open the .mx1 file containing bar length information
if dbug then
print(" ... opening " .. infilename .. " for input")
-- NH: analagous to fopen C function
-- will return nil value if not successful
-- nil is taken as false in if statements
infile =, "r")
if (not infile) then
io.write(string.format(" (%s", infilename))
if showresult then
currentline = currentline + 1
if GETLINE() and (linebuf ~= MUSIXFLXVERSION) then
-- Open the output file
outfilename = basename .. ".mx2"
if dbug then
print(" ... opening " .. outfilename .. " for output")
outfile =, "w")
if (not outfile) then
print("\nCan't create: " .. outfilename)
-- Open the logfile
if dbug_logfile then
logfilename = basename .. ".mxl"
print(" ... open " .. logfilename .. " for debugging")
logfile =, "w")
if (not logfile) then
print("\nCan't create: " .. logfilename)
logfile:write("Version ", VERSION, "\n")
-- skip startindicator
if GETLINE() and (linebuf ~= "S") then
do...while loop for
moretimes call of \startpiece
Do while equivalent is repeat...until
-- reset all arrays
if dbug then print("\n------- Chapter " .. chapterno .. " -------\n"); end
if dbug_logfile then logfile:write("\n------- Chapter ", chapterno, " -------\n\n"); end
-- NH: copying C method of loops but this means will be initializing the max spaces every time
-- ... not taking advantage of dynamic sizes of tables in Lua
-- however necessary to initialize since the starting values are used in operations
-- note upper bounds for these loops are the max-1, as for syntax in lua will include the upper (<= instead of <)
for i = 0, MAX_SIGNS-1 do
signchange[i] = junk
oldsignskip[i] = 0
futuresignskip[i] = 0 -- jh-1
signskip[i] = 0
for i = 0, MAX_BARS-1 do
hardbarlength[i] = 0
softbarlength[i] = 0
width_leftrightrepeat[i] = 0
lr_repeat[i] = false
width_leftrepeat[i] = 0
xbar[i] = 0 -- jh-1
l_repeat[i] = false
zbar[i] = false
raggedline[i] = false
barno[i] = 0
for i = 0, MAX_SECTIONS-1 do
eff_hardlength[i] = 0
eff_softlength[i] = 0
bars[i] = 0
autolines[i] = false
linegoal[i] = 0
mulooseness[i] = 0
Read and decode header items:
1. Linewidth;
2. Parindent;
3. Beforeruleskip;
4. Afterruleskip;
5. Elemskip;
6. Clefskip;
7. Signskip;
-- NH: for those curious why it is necessary to take a substring of the line, it is to strip the "pt" off of the string
-- to make them valid strings for coercion to numbers later on (something that the atof does automatically)
-- RDT: linebuf tests are to avoid taking a substring of an empty string
if linebuf then linewidth = string.sub(linebuf, 1, -3); currentline=currentline+1 end
GETLINE(); if linebuf then parindent = string.sub(linebuf, 1, -3); currentline=currentline+1 end
GETLINE(); if linebuf then beforerule = string.sub(linebuf, 1, -3); currentline=currentline+1 end
GETLINE(); if linebuf then afterrule = string.sub(linebuf, 1, -3); currentline=currentline+1 end
GETLINE(); if linebuf then elemskip = string.sub(linebuf, 1, -3); currentline=currentline+1 end
GETLINE(); if linebuf then clefskip = string.sub(linebuf, 1, -3); currentline=currentline+1 end
GETLINE(); if linebuf then signskip[0] = string.sub(linebuf, 1, -3); currentline=currentline+1 end
futuresignskip[0] = signskip[0] -- Initialize for xbar signs, jh-1
Read the records specifying contributions to bar length.
Lengths are of two types:
(a) Hard or unscaleable, eg barlines, clef or meter changes (typ=0).
(b) Soft or scaleable, eg noteboxes which scale with \elemskip (typ=1).
Note that \afterruleskip and \beforerulskip are considered soft.
jbar = junk
i = 0
sign = 0
xbar_count = 0 -- Used to detect presence of xbars jh-1
xbar_flag = false -- True allows check for xbar jh-1
hardsign = 0 -- Accumulator for hard skip from sign change jh-1
softspace_count = 0 -- Watch for softspace after bars are posted jh-1
all_section = 0
if dbug then
print(" ... reading")
while (samechapter and GETLINE()) do
currentline = currentline + 1
local firstChar = string.sub(linebuf, 1, 1)
-- NH: use if/elseif/else to mirror switch/case statements
stop reading,
and start again
if (firstChar == "S") then
samechapter = false
End of section. Action:
Right justify the material ending at the previous bar.
Read the number following the *, which is the 'looseness'
parameter of the section just ended.
Reset the bar test integer to JUNK in case the bar number
was reset between sections.
elseif (firstChar == "*") then
local firstSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ")
local secondSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ", firstSpace+1)
if not secondSpace then -- NH: possibility that there is no second number in line
mulooseness[all_section] = string.sub(linebuf, firstSpace+1)
mulooseness[all_section] = string.sub(linebuf, firstSpace+1, secondSpace-1)
-- NH: above firstSpace/secondSpace mathematics were to mimic function of atol use in original C function
linegoal[all_section] = 0 -- jh-2 + WS-1
if secondSpace then
linegoal[all_section] = string.sub(linebuf, secondSpace+1) -- NH: this my interpretation of an sscanf line signed jh-2 + WS-1 in C
linegoal[all_section] = linegoal[all_section] + 0 -- NH: this is a fairly silly trick to force coercion for valid comparison to numbers, could also use tonumber function
mulooseness[all_section] = mulooseness[all_section] + 0
if ((mulooseness[all_section] ~= 0) and (linegoal[all_section] > 0)) then
print("\\linegoal{" .. linegoal[all_section] .. "} ignored because \\mulooseness not equal to zero")
print(" for section " .. all_section+1 .. " in chapter " .. chapterno)
linegoal[all_section] = 0 -- Reset to ignore it. jh-2 + WS-1
all_section = all_section + 1
if all_section > (MAX_SECTIONS - 1) then
Right justify the material ending at the previous bar.
Set flag.
Reset the bar test integer to JUNK in case the bar number
was reset between sections.
elseif (firstChar == "a") then
autolines[all_section] = true
all_section = all_section + 1
if (all_section > (MAX_SECTIONS - 1)) then
found a raggedline, let's set a flag
I think, I'll hardly get a Nobel-Award for coding this
What a pity! :-(
but perhaps a Pulitzer-Award for my comments. :-)
elseif (firstChar == "r") then
raggedline[i+1] = true
-- found \zbar, set flag and store barno
elseif (firstChar == "z") then
zbar[i] = true
barno[i] = strrchr(linebuf, " ")
xbar_count = xbar_count + 1 -- Help detect xbars, track zbar offsets. jh-1
hardsign = 0 -- reset any sign change skip accumulated. jh-1
softspace_count = 0 -- Reset for next bar. jh-1
found a leftrightrepeat
set a flag and store the different widths
elseif (firstChar == "l") then
-- NH: there are some commented out printf lines in C code in this case
-- I'm assuming they were used at one point for debugging purposes and
-- am not translating them, but if should be reinstated they exist at lines
-- 380-387 in C program
lr_repeat[i] = true
local firstSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ")
local secondSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ", firstSpace + 1)
width_leftrightrepeat[i] = string.sub(linebuf, firstSpace+1, secondSpace-3) -- NH: secondspace-3 as secondspace-1 will include the "pt"
width_leftrepeat[i] = string.sub(linebuf, secondSpace+1, -3) -- NH: again, -3 to chop off the "pt"
found a leftrepeat
set a flag and store width
elseif (firstChar == "L") then
l_repeat[i] = true
local firstSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ")
width_leftrepeat[i] = string.sub(linebuf, firstSpace+1, -3) -- RDT: again, -3 to chop off the "pt"
-- store barno
elseif (firstChar == "b") then
barno[i] = strrchr(linebuf, " ")
xbar_count = xbar_count+1 -- Track possible xbars. jh-1
xbar_flag = true -- Allow check of next line to detect xbar. jh-1
hardsign = 0 -- Reset accumulated hard sign skip. jh-1
softspace_count = 0 -- Reset for next bar. jh-1
enabling the use of 'hard' offsets
advance current hardwith
reduce current softwidth
elseif (firstChar == "h") then
x = string.sub(strrchr(linebuf, " "), 1, -3) -- -3 is to chop off "pt" in string to allow x to be valid for arithmetic
softbarlength[i] = softbarlength[i] - x
hardbarlength[i] = hardbarlength[i] + x
eff_softlength[all_section] = eff_softlength[all_section] - x
eff_hardlength[all_section] = eff_hardlength[all_section] + x
This record began with 's' and specifies a key signature change
store the signskip, s.b.
elseif (firstChar == "s") then -- Changes to detect xbar and signchange interaction, jh-1
local firstSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ")
local secondSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ", firstSpace+1)
if not secondSpace then
tempholdskip = string.sub(linebuf, firstSpace+1, -3)
tempholdskip = string.sub(linebuf, firstSpace+1, secondSpace-3)
-- NH: all of above to mimic atof statement
-- wasn't sure if statements with s would have a second space and more info
-- so accounted for either possibility
-- We might be in the middle of an xbar setup, and we only want to increment
-- the sign pointer if this is the first sign change. jh-1
if (not (signchange[sign] == i)) then -- first time for this bar set jh-1
sign = sign + 1
signchange[sign] = i
signskip[sign] = tempholdskip
oldsignskip[sign] = hardsign -- Capture accumulated hard space. jh-1
xbar[i] = xbar[i] + 1 -- Increment to detect xbars with sign changes. jh-1
Housekeeping is done... Now, one more condition to check. If there
has been any soft space since the bar was declared, then musixtex
will NOT publish a sign change notice at the end of the line for
this sign change when there is a line break in this bar.
In that case, signal that this should be treated as an xbar, which
will effectively suppress the transfer of hardspace for the sign
change notice. jh-1
if softspace_count > 0 then xbar[i] = 2 end-- Suppress space move jh-1
-- Always update the futuresignskip value in case this is the last
futuresignskip[sign] = tempholdskip
-- comment, do nothing
elseif (firstChar == "%") then
-- This is an 'ordinary' line, listing a contribution to the barlength.
if (not (tonumber(firstChar))) then
local firstSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ")
local secondSpace = string.find(linebuf, " ", firstSpace + 1)
bar = string.sub(linebuf, 1, firstSpace-1)
typ = string.sub(linebuf, firstSpace+1, secondSpace-1)
x = string.sub(linebuf, secondSpace+1, -3) -- the -3 is to strip the "pt" off of the x
if (typ ~= "0") then eff_softlength[all_section] = eff_softlength[all_section] + x
else eff_hardlength[all_section] = eff_hardlength[all_section] + x
Increment bar number if the bar number
read from the file has changed.
Accumulate current bar length.
bar = bar + 0 -- NH: forcing coercion to number type from string
if tonumber(bar) > jbar then
i = i + 1
bars[all_section] = bars[all_section] + 1
if i > MAX_BARS then
-- At this point, can check if this is an xbar...Only check once. jh-1
if xbar_flag then
if ((xbar_count - bar - 1) == 0) then -- find an xbar. jh-1
xbar_count = xbar_count-1 -- adjust offset to stay on track
To handle the special conditions caused by possible xbars and
sign changes, the xbar logic state has to be examined and changed
only if this is the first xbar, and not for subsequent ones. jh-1
if (xbar[i] == 0) then -- then this is the first xbar in the setup
-- or there has already been a sign change
xbar[i] = 1 -- jh-1
xbar_flag = false -- Reset to prevent checks until next bar. jh-1
if (typ ~= "0") then
softbarlength[i] = softbarlength[i] + x
-- Count softspace entries to help in sign/linebreak decisions jh-1
softspace_count = softspace_count+1
hardsign = 0 -- Safety - just be sure in case line break jh-1
else -- jh-1
hardbarlength[i] = hardbarlength[i] + x
hardsign = hardsign + x -- accumulate hardspace, there may be a sign change
jbar = bar
end -- end if statements
end -- end while loop
Decrement the number of sections if the final section is void.
This will be the usual case where the input file ends with
an end of section record.
If this record has been omitted, stop going on to avoid
'You can't use \raise....'.
if dbug then
print(" ... compute")
if (bars[all_section] == 0) then
all_section = all_section - 1
-- Summarize sectioning information
if dbug then
print("\nNumber of sections : " .. (all_section+1) .."\n")
for section = 0, all_section do
if (autolines[section]) then
print("---- autoline section ----")
print("Section : " .. (section+1))
print("Number of bars in section : " .. bars[section])
print("Length(hard) of section " .. (section+1) .. " : " .. eff_hardlength[section])
print("Length(soft) of section " .. (section+1) .. " : " .. eff_softlength[section])
if (linegoal[section] ~= 0) then -- linegoal applies, signed jh-2 in C
print("Section line goal was determined by \\linegoal value...")
print("Line Goal for section : " .. linegoal[section])
else -- mulooseness applies, signed jh-2 in C
print("Looseness of section : " .. mulooseness[section])
end -- NH: mimics getchar()
end -- end for
end -- end if
if dbug_logfile then
logfile:write("\nNumber of sections : ", all_section+1, "\n\n")
for section = 0, all_section do
if (autolines[section]) then
logfile:write("---- autoline section ----\n")
logfile:write("Section : ", section+1, "\n")
logfile:write("Number of bars in section : ", bars[section], "\n")
logfile:write("Length(hard) of section ", section+1, " : ", eff_hardlength[section], "\n")
logfile:write("Length(soft) of section ", section+1, " : ", eff_softlength[section], "\n")
if (linegoal[section] ~= 0) then -- line goal applies. signed jh-2 in C
logfile:write("Section line goal was determined by \\linegoal value...\n")
logfile:write("Line goal for section : ", linegoal[section], "\n")
else -- mulooseness applies, signed jh-2 in C
logfile:write("Looseness of section : ", mulooseness[section], "\n")
C Comments:
Loop over the sections defined in the input file.
Each section must be right justified.
LAST is the absolute number of the last bar
in the current section.
sign = 0
mark = 0
lastbarnumber = 0
for section = 0, all_section do
line_in_section = 1
lastbarnumber = lastbarnumber + bars[section]
-- Find number of lines to work towards
lines = math.floor(((eff_hardlength[section] + eff_softlength[section] + parindent)/
(linewidth-(clefskip+signskip[sign]))) + .5) -- need to use floor function as lua has no "integer" type, just numbers
if (lines == 0) then lines = 1 end -- safety
natural_lines = lines -- Keep this for debug report. Signed jh-2 in C
lines = lines + mulooseness[section]
if ((mulooseness[section] ~= 0) and (linegoal[section] > 0)) then -- signed jh-2 in C
print("Unexpected line goal reset occured for section " .. section+1)
linegoal[section] = 0 -- Zero it, Safety, should not happen, signed jh-2 in C
if (linegoal[section] > 0) then lines = linegoal[section] end -- Signed jh-2 in C
if lines < 1 then
lines = 1
print("Don't stress \\mulooseness too much !!!")
C comments:
autolinesflag set in current section ?
iftrue force number of lines to 1
if (autolines[section]) then lines = 1 end
if dbug then
print("Section number : " .. section+1)
print("Last bar in this section : " .. lastbarnumber)
print("Number of bars : " .. bars[section])
print("Natural number of lines : " .. natural_lines) -- signed jh-2 in C
print("Chosen number of lines : " .. lines .. "\n")
if dbug_logfile then
logfile:write("Section number : ", section+1, "\n")
logfile:write("Last bar in this section : ", lastbarnumber, "\n")
logfile:write("Number of bars : ", bars[section], "\n")
logfile:write("Natural number of lines : ", natural_lines, "\n") -- signed jh-2 in C
logfile:write("Chosen number of lines : ", lines, "\n\n")
if (bars[section]<1) then error_exit(3) end
C comments:
fill_length is the length of 'bar' material (ie excluding
signature space) required to fill the remainder
of the piece. This value will not be exact if there are
sign changes within the section. However,
fill_length is used only to keep track of the mean scale factor
for the remainder of the piece, as opposed to individual lines.
Loop over lines, working out number of bars
and revised \elemskip for each line.
added correct computing of fill_length
for j = 1, lines do
line_number = line_number + 1
fill_length = (lines-j+1) * (linewidth - (clefskip + signskip[sign]))
C comments:
Work out mean element skip over remaining bars
in the current section.
EFFWID is the effective line width once
key signature have been written.
Set parindent to zero after it has been used for the
first line of the first section.
if (eff_softlength[section] == 0) then error_exit(5) end
spc_factor = (fill_length - eff_hardlength[section])/eff_softlength[section]
if ((xbar[mark+1] > 1) and (mark>0)) then
-- The bar is an bar+xbar with a sign change. Signed jh-1 in C
eff_linewidth = linewidth - (clefskip+signskip[sign-1]) - parindent
else -- This is a normal bar. Signed jh-1 in C
eff_linewidth = linewidth - (clefskip+signskip[sign]) - parindent
end -- Signed jh-1 in C
signskip[sign] = futuresignskip[sign] -- Supports xbar signs. Signed jh-1 in C
parindent = 0
-- Fill the current line by adding bars until overflow.
i = mark
firstbarno = barno[mark+1]
hardlength = 0
softlength = 0
x = 0
lastbar = 0
detect_end = false
while (x < eff_linewidth) do
if detect_end then break end
i = i + 1
-- Check for raggedline
if raggedline[i] then detectraggedline = true end
-- Check for key signature change at this bar.
if (i == signchange[sign+1]) then sign = sign + 1 end
lastbar = hardbarlength[i] + spc_factor*softbarlength[i]
x = x + lastbar
-- Enforce termination at last bar and last line
if (i==lastbarnumber) then detect_end = true
elseif (line_in_section == lines) then
detect_end = false
x = 0
hardlength = hardlength + hardbarlength[i]
softlength = softlength + softbarlength[i]
C comments:
If the overhang is less than half the barlength,
include the latest bar in the line,
and shrink the line accordingly.
if ((x-eff_linewidth) < (lastbar/2)) then
barsinline = i - mark
mark = i
lastbarno = barno[mark]
C comments:
last bar in line a zbar?
if true -> add to the first bar in next line
the amount of afterruleskip
if zbar[mark] then
softbarlength[i+1] = softbarlength[i+1] + afterrule
eff_softlength[section] = eff_softlength[section] + afterrule
C comments:
last bar in line a leftrightrepeat?
if true -> reduce hardwidth of current line
advance the hardwidth of next bar
advance the softwidth of next bar
if lr_repeat[mark] then
-- NH: there are some commented lines of code out here (printf statements) that I have not preserved
-- if they should be reinstated then they are located at lines 744-746 of the original program
hardlength = hardlength - (width_leftrightrepeat[i] - width_leftrepeat[i])
eff_hardlength[section] = eff_hardlength[section] + (width_leftrightrepeat[i] - width_leftrepeat[i])
hardbarlength[i+1] = hardbarlength[i+1] + width_leftrepeat[i]
softbarlength[i+1] = softbarlength[i+1] + (afterrule/2)
eff_softlength[section] = eff_softlength[section] + (afterrule/2)
C comments:
last bar in line a leftrepeat?
if true -> reduce hardwidth of current line
advance the hardwidth of next bar
advance the softwidth of next bar
if l_repeat[mark] then
hardlength = hardlength - (width_leftrepeat[i] - lthick)
hardbarlength[i+1] = hardbarlength[i+1] + width_leftrepeat[i]
softbarlength[i+1] = softbarlength[i+1] + (afterrule/2)
eff_softlength[section] = eff_softlength[section] + (afterrule/2)
if (signchange[sign+1] == mark+1) then -- signed s.b. in C
sign = sign + 1
C comments:
Because the bar is staying here in the line, we look ahead
to see if the upcoming bar is a sign change, and adjust space
to account for the complimentary sign change notice that will
be posted at the end of this line. However, if the upcoming
sign change bar is really a bar+xbar set, where the sign change
is buried in the xbar, then we don't do the move because the
change notice really won't be posted in this line.
Signed jh-1 in C.
if (xbar[mark+1] < 2) then -- okay to do the move. signed jh-1 in C
hardlength = hardlength + oldsignskip[sign]
hardbarlength[mark+1] = hardbarlength[mark+1] - oldsignskip[sign]
-- Exclude the latest bar, and stretch the line.
if (barsinline < 1) then error_exit(2) end
mark = i - 1
lastbarno = barno[mark]
hardlength = hardlength - hardbarlength[i]
softlength = softlength - softbarlength[i]
if zbar[mark] then softbarlength[i] = softbarlength[i] + afterrule end
if lr_repeat[mark] then
hardlength = hardlength - (width_leftrightrepeat[i-1]-width_leftrepeat[i-1])
eff_hardlength[section] = eff_hardlength[section] + (width_leftrightrepeat[i-1] - width_leftrepeat[i-1])
hardbarlength[i] = hardbarlength[i] + width_leftrepeat[i-1]
softbarlength[i] = softbarlength[i] + (afterrule/2)
eff_softlength[section] = eff_softlength[section] + (afterrule/2)
if l_repeat[mark] then
hardlength = hardlength - (width_leftrepeat[i-1] - lthick)
hardbarlength[i] = hardbarlength[i] + width_leftrepeat[i-1]
softbarlength[i] = softbarlength[i] + (afterrule/2)
eff_softlength[section] = eff_softlength[section] + (afterrule/2)
C comments:
Error (o/u-hbox) occurs only when signature change start in next line
-> look for signature change in next line
if true then advance the hardwidth of current line
reduce next hard barlength by signature change
if (signchange[sign] == (mark+1)) then
C comments:
However, if the next bar is a bar+xbar set where the
sign change comes from the xbar, then don't do this
move, because the extra skip is not really there!
Signed jh-1 in C.
if(xbar[mark+1] < 2) then -- alright, do the move. signed jh-1 in C
hardlength = hardlength + oldsignskip[sign]
hardbarlength[mark+1] = hardbarlength[mark+1] - oldsignskip[sign]
C comments:
Define a flex factor for this line as the ratio
of soft part of the specified line width,
to soft width in the approximate line.
if (softlength == 0) then error_exit(5) end
flexit = (eff_linewidth - hardlength) / softlength
if detectraggedline then
flexit = 1
detectraggedline = false
cor_elemskip = elemskip * flexit
cor_afterrule = afterrule * flexit
cor_beforerule = beforerule * flexit
if dbug then
print("Line number : " .. line_number)
print("Fill length : " .. fill_length)
print("Effective length : " .. eff_softlength[section] + eff_hardlength[section])
print("Mean space factor : " .. spc_factor)
print("Bars in line : " .. barsinline)
print("Effective linewidth : " .. eff_linewidth)
print("Uncorrected hard length : " .. hardlength)
print("Uncorrected soft length : " .. softlength)
print("fLex factor (soft) : " .. flexit)
print("Corrected elemskip : " .. cor_elemskip)
print("Corrected afterrule : " .. cor_afterrule)
print("Corrected beforerule : " .. cor_beforerule) -- NH: mimics getchar()
if dbug_logfile then
logfile:write("Line number : ", line_number, "\n")
logfile:write("Fill length : ", fill_length, "\n")
logfile:write("Effective length : ", eff_softlength[section] + eff_hardlength[section], "\n")
logfile:write("Mean space factor : ", spc_factor, "\n")
logfile:write("Bars in line : ", barsinline, "\n")
logfile:write("Effective linewidth : ", eff_linewidth, "\n")
logfile:write("Uncorrected hard length : ", hardlength, "\n")
logfile:write("Uncorrected soft length : ", softlength, "\n")
logfile:write("Flex factor (soft) : ", flexit, "\n")
logfile:write("Corrected elemskip : ", cor_elemskip, "\n")
logfile:write("Corrected afterrule : ", cor_afterrule, "\n")
logfile:write("Corrected beforerule : ", cor_beforerule, "\n\n")
eff_hardlength[section] = eff_hardlength[section] - hardlength
eff_softlength[section] = eff_softlength[section] - softlength
fill_length = fill_length - eff_linewidth
-- Write a record to the output file
string.format("\\lineset{%3d}{%2d}{%8.5fpt}{%8.5fpt}{%8.5fpt}%% %d - %d\n",
line_number, barsinline, cor_elemskip, cor_afterrule,
firstbarno, lastbarno))
if showresult then
string.format("\\lineset{%3d}{%2d}{%8.5fpt}{%8.5fpt}{%8.5fpt}%% %d - %d",
line_number, barsinline, cor_elemskip, cor_afterrule,
firstbarno, lastbarno))
if dbug_lines then print(" ... writing line : " .. line_number) end
line_in_section = line_in_section + 1 -- NH: need to do this in loop, lua syntax doesn't allow for it in for loop spec
end -- end lines for
end -- end sections for
if dbug_lines then print("") end
samechapter = true
chapterno = chapterno + 1
until (not GETLINE()) -- end repeat loop
-- closing files
if dbug_logfile then
if (not logfile) then error_exit(0) end
if (not outfile) then error_exit(0) end
if dbug then
print(" ... that's all, bye")
-- NH: end main chunk and program!