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2022-03-27 12:09:14 +02:00
<<< Changelog of MusiXTeX since T.113 >>>
Version T.114 [official release: 26 Dec 2009]
(1) \cclp, \zccup, \zcclp are moved from musixpoi.tex to musixtex.tex.
[14 June 2008, Hiroaki. T114-beta1]
(2) musixpoi.tex does not work since T.111.
[14 June 2008, Hiroaki. T114-beta1]
(3) musixmad.tex is inessential for typesetting musixdoc.tex, thus excluded from musixdoc.sty (see the next item)
[14 June 2008, Hiroaki. T114-beta1]
(4) the stem length of \metron (at T.113 manual section 2.17.3: Metronomic indications) is too short when musixadd.tex/musixmad.tex is excluded.
[14 June 2008, Hiroaki. T114-beta1]
(5) spacing problem when you change the music size. (\clef@skip\z@)
[16 June 2008, known bug pointed out by Daniel Taupin on 3 June 2003 before his accident. T114-beta2]
(6) in \ttie and \tleg definition, #1 isn't braced in the expansion which causes a problem at ID>9.
* \def\ttie#1{\let\T@i\@c \t@slur{-\p@ne}{#1}\@ne}
* \def\tleg#1{\let\T@i\@c \tslur{#1}\@ne}
[1 Feb 2009, reported by David Allsopp. T114-beta4]
(7) Create readme1st.txt
[16 Oct 2009, Don Simons and Andre Van Ryckeghem. T114 official]
(8) Create changelog.txt (this file)
[16 Oct 2009, Hiroaki Morimoto. T114 official]
(9) Updated musixdoc.pdf and its source code.
[16 Oct 2009, Don Simons and Andre Van Ryckeghem. T114 official]
(10) Included the repository of music-notation mistakes, contributed by Jean-Pierre Coulon.
[16 Oct 2009, T114 official]
(11) Create an install manual for MiKTeX on Win32: mxinsuse.{pdf|tex}.
[16 Oct 2009, Andre Van Ryckeghem and Don Simons. T114 official]
(12) Create install batchfiles for MiKTeX on Win32.
[16 Oct 2009, Don Simons and Andre Van Ryckeghem. T114 official]
(13) Create some MS-Win/DOS batch files for easy use: musixtex.bat, mudvi.bat, mudviall.bat, lapsview.bat, lapdfview.bat.
[16 Oct 2009, Don Simons and Andre Van Ryckeghem. T114 official]
(14) utility: add flip.exe, flip.txt to musixtexadd folder instead of former utod.exe and dtou.exe (they don't work in XP). Run flip.exe on musixtex.bat.
[16 Oct 2009, Don Simons and Andre Van Ryckeghem. T114 official]
(15) Changing directory structure. Add-in tex files are located in musixtexadd directory.
* musixlyr (by Rainer Dunker)
* musixps (by Stanislav Kneifl)
[16 Oct 2009, Don Simons and Andre Van Ryckeghem. T114 official]
(16) Added some well-known add-ins to musixtexadd directory.
* curly.tex (by Mthimkhulu Molekwa,19 May 1999)
* musixdbr.tex (by Rainer Dunker, 23 February 2002)
* musixtmr.tex & musixesf.tex (by Hiroaki Morimoto, updated 2009-10-15)
* tuplet.tex. (by Col. G. L. Sicherman. 2003-05-17)... under GNU GPL
[16 Oct 2009, Don Simons, Andre Van Ryckeghem. T114 official]
Version T.113 [19-Apr-2006]
no funtional change from 30 July 2005; just a maintenance of archive file and recompiling musicdoc.
Version T.113 [28 June 2005, (rev.1)17 July 2005, (rev.2)30 July 2005]
(1) Include the contents of following packages.
* PostScript Type1 fonts. (by Uchiyama)... under LPPL.
* musixlyr ver.2.1c. (by Rainer Dunker)... under GNU GPL v.2.
* musixps ver.0.92a. (by Stanislav Kneifl)... under a unique license; see the file.
Note that some of these package have different license than GNU GPL v.2.
(2) \Ioctfin[up | down] do not work when \sepbarrules is assigned.
musixtex.tex line 2259, \def\rul@sep#1
(3) Correction of a bug in the definition of choir bracket (l.1688-1698)
(4) Added following macros.
* \lwp
* \rwp
* \lwpp
* \rwpp
* \lhp
* \rhp
* \lhpp
* \rhpp
(5) bug: \catcode`\@=11 at external level in case using musixmad.tex without prior specifying of musixadd.tex.
[30 July 2005, T113-rev.2]
(6) bug: \immediate\write10{...} in many files are corrected into \immediate\write16{...}.
[30 July 2005, T113-rev.2]
Version T.112 [dated on 3 Jan. 2003, published on 9 Jan. 2003]
The final milestone by Daniel Taupin himself.