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2022-03-27 12:09:14 +02:00
% This file can be used instead of, it is only commented
% and indented.
% VERSION: 1.01
% WARNING! This is a heavy magic! If you want something more understandable,
% you will have to write it yourself (if it is possible in a stack-oriented
% language that PostScript is). There are some constants you can
% change and see what happens, but I think the slurs should be almost
% always satisfiable. When not, let me know at:
% Also any bug reports and comments are welcomed.
% Stanislav Kneifl.
/slur@Dict 200 dict def
% this dictionary is for \setslurtext, overriding some dvips's definitions
/temp@xx@dict 4 dict def temp@xx@dict begin
/a { moveto ax1 ay1 rmoveto } def
/V {gsave newpath transform round exch round exch itransform
exch ax1 add exch ay1 add moveto rulex 0 rlineto 0 ruley neg
rlineto rulex neg 0 rlineto fill grestore} def
TeXDict begin
% get dimen from TeX's string ("125pt" -> 125 PS points)
/psxGD { dup length 2 sub 0 exch getinterval cvr 1.045 mul} def
% get dimen adjusted to Resolution
/psxGDAR { dup length 2 sub 0 exch getinterval cvr 4 psxAR mul 1.045 mul} def
% Adjust to Resolution
/psxAR { Resolution mul 300 div } def
% the distances in dvips's PostScript are resolution dependant!
slur@Dict begin
/CP /currentpoint load def
/ED { exch def } bind def
/psxAR { Resolution mul 300 div } def % stands for Adjust to Resolution,
/VS { dup /ay1 exch ay1 exch linew mul 4 mul add def /ay2 exch ay2 exch linew mul 4 mul add def } def
/y { 3 2 roll ax1 ay1 rmoveto show moveto } def
/M { mul } def
/A { add } def
/SB { sub } def
/P { pop } def
/DP { dup } def
/R { roll } def
/drawseg { 0 0 moveto
ax1 ay1
ax1 0.6 mul ax2 0.4 mul add ay1 0.6 mul ay2 0.4 mul add
ax1 ax2 add 2 div ay1 ay2 add 2 div curveto
ax1 0.4 mul ax2 0.6 mul add ay1 0.4 mul ay2 0.6 mul add
ax2 ay2
x2 0 curveto } def
/DS {
psxAR /maxe ED
/ifadjust ED
/ifdash ED
psxAR /m ED % max height of the slur
/e ED % "angularity" of the slur; 0.1 = very angular,
% 0.3 = very round
/aa exch neg def % what to multiply the height with
% AFTER the max height checking
/y2 ED % y coordinate of the end of the slur
/x2 ED % x coordinate of the end of the slur
/y1 ED % y coordinate of the beginning of the slur
/x1 ED % x coordinate of the beginning of the slur
/yr2 ED
/yr1 ED
/internote ED
/x2 x2 x1 sub def % x2=x2-x1
/y2 y2 y1 sub def % y2=y2-y1
/sx y2 x2 div def
/b x2 300 mul Resolution div abs sqrt psxAR 2 mul def % b=2*sqrt(x2)
b 3 psxAR lt {/b 3 psxAR def} if % b=max(b,3)
b m gt {/b m def} if % b=min(b,m)
/aa b aa mul def % aa=aa*b
/s 90 x2 y2 atan sub def % s=90-arctan(x2,y2) slope of the slur
/aa aa s cos div def % aa=aa/cos(s) height of the slur
/x2 s neg cos x2 mul s neg sin y2 mul sub def % x2 = x2*cos(-s) - y2*sin(-s)
% is the length of the slur
e x2 mul maxe gt { /e maxe x2 div def } if
/beta e x2 mul aa neg atan def
beta 90 gt {/beta 180 beta sub def} if
/ax1 e x2 mul def % control points
/ay1 aa def
/ax2 1 e sub x2 mul def
/ay2 aa def
% check if the starting and endin vector stay in desired quadrants
% => beta < abs(s)
beta s abs lt {
/b aa abs s abs 2 add sin mul s abs 2 add cos div def
s aa mul 0 lt {
s cos 0.75 lt { /ax1 ax1 b 1 s cos sub mul 0.5 mul sub def /ay1 ay1 s cos mul 0.8 mul def } if
% ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^
% (values to play with)
/ax2 x2 b sub def
/ax1 b def
s cos 0.75 lt { /ax2 b 1 s cos sub mul 0.5 mul ax2 add def /ay2 ay2 s cos mul 0.8 mul def } if
% ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^
} ifelse
} if
% align the slur to the staff lines
x1 y1 translate
s rotate
% [1 0 sx 1 0 0] concat
exch pop
/slh ED % in slh we have the height of the whole slur
/yr s aa mul 0 ge { yr1 } { yr2 } ifelse internote div def
/slh yr slh internote div aa 0 gt { add } { sub } ifelse 2 div def
% check if the slur gets too close to staff line
/shift 0 def
slh 4.45 lt slh -0.5 gt and {
/slh slh dup truncate sub def
slh 0 lt { /slh 1 slh add def } if
aa 0 gt { /slh 1 slh sub def } if
% slh now contains the position ot the slur top/bottom in the space
% between the nearest staff lines (from <0,1>), regardless direction
% slur is too low:
slh 0.45 lt { /shift 0.45 slh sub def } if
% slur is too high, but we can be shift it down:
slh 0.7 gt slh 0.85 lt and { /shift 0.7 slh sub def } if
% slur is too high, must be shifted up:
slh 0.85 ge { /shift 1.45 slh sub def } if
} if
aa 0 gt { /shift shift neg def } if
ifadjust 0 eq {
/shift 0 def
} if
% and finally draw it...
/linew internote 0.06 mul psxAR def
linew 4 mul setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
0 setlinejoin
ifdash 1 eq
{ [internote 8 mul psxAR internote 5 mul psxAR] 0 setdash } if
x1 y1 shift neg 2 mul internote mul 4 psxAR mul add translate
s rotate
% [1 sx 0 1 0 0] concat
% uncomment this to see the control points
% 5 psxAR setlinewidth ax1 ay1 moveto 0.1 0 rlineto stroke
% ax2 ay2 moveto 0.1 0 rlineto stroke linew setlinewidth
1 VS
-2 VS
x2 20 psxAR gt {
3 VS
} if
x2 50 psxAR gt {
-4 VS
} if
x2 80 psxAR gt {
5 VS
} if
% now some \slurtext code...
/x1 ax1 ax2 add 2 div def % middle of the slur
/y1 ay1 ay2 add 2 div def
x1 s cos mul y1 s sin mul add neg
y1 s cos mul x1 s sin mul sub
aa 0 lt {1} {0} ifelse
% this is a hack to place the slurtext in the middle of the slur.
% From unknown reasons simple 'ax1 ay1 translate' did not work,
% so we have to overlay some definitions with our own, namely
% 'a', which is originally 'moveto' and 'V' for drawing rules.
% maybe there are some other operations that should be redefined,
% but for almost all cases this will be sufficient. If you find
% anything that won't be typeset at the correct position, let me know...
temp@xx@dict begin
/dir exch def
/ay1 exch def
/ax1 exch def
} def
% crescendos
/DC {
/y2 ED
/x2 ED
/y1 ED
/x1 ED
1 psxAR ceiling setlinewidth % line thickness: this results
1 setlinecap % to exactly 2 pixels in 300 dpi
1 setlinejoin
x2 y2 10 psxAR add moveto % the 10's specify wideness of the
x1 y1 lineto % open end of the crescendo,
x2 y2 10 psxAR sub lineto % similarly the 11's below
} def
% half crescendos
/DHC {
/y2 ED
/x2 ED
/y1 ED
/x1 ED
1 psxAR ceiling setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
x2 y2 11 psxAR add moveto
x1 y1 4 psxAR add lineto stroke
x1 y1 4 psxAR sub moveto
x2 y2 11 psxAR sub lineto
} def
% differenced line
/DLN {
psxGDAR ceiling setlinewidth
psxGDAR exch psxGDAR neg rlineto
} def
% sloped line
psxGDAR ceiling setlinewidth
psxGDAR exch 1.125 mul neg rotate 0 rlineto
} def
% free line (init & terminate)
psxGDAR ceiling setlinewidth
CP moveto
} def