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2022-03-27 12:09:14 +02:00
\chapter{Bar Numbering}
The current bar number is stored in a count register call \keyindex{barno}.
When \verb|\startpiece| is encountered, \verb|\barno| is set equal to
another count register called \verb|\startbarno|, whose default value is one.
Therefore, if you want the first bar to have a number $n$ different from~$1$, you
may either say \verb|\startbarno=|$n$ before \verb|\startpiece|, or say
\verb|\barno=|$n$ afterwards, but before the first bar line. You may also alter the bar
number at any time, either by explicitly resetting \verb|\barno|, or by
incrementing it with a command like \verb|\advance\barno-1|.
\musixtex\ supports two distinct modes for printing bar numbers. In \ital{periodic}
bar numbering, the bar number is
placed above the top staff with a user-selectable frequency. In
\ital{system} bar numbering, the
number will appear at the beginning of each system.
\section{Periodic bar numbering}
In a normal piece, periodic bar number printing is turned on by default, with a frequency
of one. In an extract, the default is to not print bar numbers.
To turn off bar numbering say \keyindex{nobarnumbers}. To reinstate periodic
bar numbering, or to initiate it in an extract, say \keyindex{barnumbers}.
To change to a
different frequency $n$, say \verb|\def|\keyindex{freqbarno}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}|.
The appearance and positioning of the bar number is controlled by the
token \keyindex{writethebarno}, which by default is defined as\\
where the font is defined as \verb|\def\fontbarno{\it}|. You can change
either of these as desired, for example
\Notes\Dqbu gh\Dqbl jh\en
\notes\Dqbbu fg\Dqbbl hk\en\bar
\Notes\Tqbu ghi\Tqbl mmj\en
\notes\Tqbbu fgj\Tqbbl njh\en\bar
\Notes\Qqbu ghjh\Qqbl jifh\en\bar
\notes\Qqbbu fgge\Qqbbl jhgi\en\endpiece
\noindent which was coded as
\Notes\Dqbu gh\Dqbl jh\en
\notes\Dqbbu fg\Dqbbl hk\en\bar
\Notes\Tqbu ghi\Tqbl mmj\en
\notes\Tqbbu fgj\Tqbbl njh\en\bar
\Notes\Qqbu ghjh\Qqbl jifh\en\bar
\notes\Qqbbu fgge\Qqbbl jhgi\en
\section{System bar numbering}
To have a bar number printed just above the beginning of each system, use
\keyindex{systemnumbers}. The distance above the staff is controlled
by \verb|\raisebarno|, which by default is \verb|4\internote| (to fit
above a treble clef). This can be redefined with the command
\verb|\def|\keyindex{raisebarno}\verb|{|\ital{any \TeX~dimension}\verb|}|
Similarly, the horizontal position is defined by \keyindex{shiftbarno}
which by default is \verb|0pt|.
The number normally is enclosed in a
box. If you don't like that, you may redefine the macro \verb|\writebarno|
which by default is defined as
This uses the utility \musixtex\ macro \keyindex{boxit} which will enclose
any text string in a box.
Here are some possible alternate formats for system bar numbers:
\hbox to \hsize{%
\raise20pt\hbox{(a) }%
\Notes\wh g\en
\raise20pt\hbox{(b) }%
\Notes\wh g\en
\raise20pt\hbox{(c) }%
\Notes\wh g\en
\noindent These were coded as
\item[(a)] (default)
If the previous line does not stop with a bar rule, then the next
printed system bar number will immediately be followed by the contents
of the token \keyindex{writezbarno}, whose
default setting is the lower case character `\verb|a|'. You might want to
change this to `\verb|+|', in which case you should say