Josia Pietsch 200080fe9d Tag 6
2022-03-27 12:09:14 +02:00

36 lines
3.0 KiB

\def\explainstr#1{% #1 = 0 standard explanation; #1 = 1 TeX-ish expl.
\ifnum #1>0 \def\bslstr##1{$\backslash$##1} \else\def\bslstr##1{} \fi
\halign{ ## \quad & ## & ## \hfill & ## \hfill & ## \hfill & ## \hfill \cr
\ifnum #1=1 & & Explication des signes & Explanation of the signs & Zeichenerkl\"arung & Jelek magyar\'azata \cr \fi
\ifnum #1=0 & & {\bf Explication des signes} & {\bf Explanation of the signs} & {\bf Zeichenerkl\"arung} & {\bf Jelek magyar\'azata} \cr \fi
\AB & \bslstr{AB} & Tirez l'archet & down-bow & Abstrich & Lefel\'e \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \downbow & \bslstr{downbow} & Tirez l'archet & down-bow & Abstrich & Lefel\'e \cr \fi
\AUF & \bslstr{AUF} & Poussez l'archet & up-bow & Aufstrich & F\"olfel\'e \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \upbow & \bslstr{upbow} & Poussez l'archet & up-bow & Aufstrich & F\"olfel\'e \cr \fi
\SP & \bslstr{SP} & A la pointe & at the top & An der Spitze & Cs\'ucsn\'al \cr
\FR & \bslstr{FR} & Au talon & at the nut & Am Frosch & K\'ap\'an\'al \cr
\GB & \bslstr{GB} & Tout l'archet & whole bow & Ganzer Bogen & Eg\'esz von\'oval \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \Gb & \bslstr{Gb} & Tout l'archet & whole bow & Ganzer Bogen & Eg\'esz von\'oval \cr \fi
\UH & \bslstr{UH} & La moiti\'e inf\'erieure ... & lower half & Untere H\"alfte & A von\'o als\'o fele \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \Uh & \bslstr{Uh} & La moiti\'e inf\'erieure ... & lower half & Untere H\"alfte & A von\'o als\'o fele \cr \fi
\OH & \bslstr{OH} & La moiti\'e sup\'erieure ... & upper half & Obere H\"alfte & A von\'o fels\H{o} fele \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \Oh & \bslstr{Oh} & La moiti\'e sup\'erieure ... & upper half & Obere H\"alfte & A von\'o fels\H{o} fele \cr \fi
\MI & \bslstr{MI} & Au milieu ... & middle & In der Mitte & K\"oz\'epen \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \Mi & \bslstr{Mi} & Au milieu ... & middle & In der Mitte & K\"oz\'epen \cr \fi
\UD & \bslstr{UD} & Le premier tiers ... & lower third & Unteres Drittel & A von\'o als\'o harmada \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \Ud & \bslstr{Ud} & Le premier tiers ... & lower third & Unteres Drittel & A von\'o als\'o harmada \cr \fi
\OD & \bslstr{OD} & Le troisi\`eme tiers ... & upper third & Oberes Drittel & A von\'o fels\H{o} harmada \cr
\ifnum #1>0 \Od & \bslstr{Od} & Le troisi\`eme tiers ... & upper third & Oberes Drittel & A von\'o fels\H{o} harmada \cr \fi
& & \hfill ... de l'archet \cr
\Pizz & \bslstr{Pizz} & Pincez avec la main & left hand pizzicato & Pizzicato der linken & piccikat\'o bal k\'ezzel \cr
& & gauche & & Hand \cr
\Tr & \bslstr{Tr} & (ou trille) & (or trille) & (oder Triller) & (vagy trilla) \cr