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\title{Adagio (Albinoni)}
\csname titremorceautoc\endcsname
\fulltitle{Adagio per archi ed organo}
\title{Adagio per archi ed organo}
\author{Tomaso Albinoni\\Transcription orgue et clarinette Daniel
\othermention{G.O. (I): Montre 8'+4'\\Positif (II): 8'+4'+quinte
\\R\'ecit (III): fl\^utes
8'+4'\\P\'edale : 16'\\Tirasse positif, claviers accoupls.\\Gif :
\parindent 13mm
\def\grnotes{\vnotes0.7\elemskip}% 16th
\def\ggrnotes{\vnotes0.5\elemskip}% 16th
\def\qqqb#1#2#3{{\advance\transpose -13\relax\triolet #2}\Ibl0{#1}{#3}2\qb0{#1}\qb0{#2}\tqb0{#3}}
\def\qqqh#1#2#3{{\advance\transpose 8\relax\triolet #1}\Ibu0{#1}{#3}2\qh0{#1}\qh0{#2}\tqh0{#3}}
\NOtes\sk\pause&\lpz G\qu G\upz N\ql N\lpz G\qu G
&\roff{\itenl1b\itenl2d\itenu3g}\zhp b\zhp d\hlp g&\Uptext{\bf\kern -5mm(\metron{\qu}60)}\sk\pause\enotes
\barre %2
\NOtes\sk\pause&\zcharnote {-7}{\it il basso staccato}\lpz F\qu F\upz M\ql
M\lpz F\qu F&\tten1\tten2\tten3\zhp b\zhp d\hlp g&\sk\pause\enotes
\barre %3
\notes&\qu E&\roff{\itenl1b\itenl2e}\zhp b\zhlp e\pto ghi&\enotes
\NOtes\pause&\ql L&\tten0\qup i&\pause\enotes
\Notes&\qu E&\sk\cu g\enotes
\barre %4
\NOtes&\qu D\ql K\qu D&\tten1\tten2\zhp b\zhlp e\hup g&\sk\pause\enotes
\barre %5
\notes&\qu C&\roff{\zhp e\zhlp h}\pto hij\enotes
\NOtes\pause&\qu J\qu C&\tten0\hu j&\pause\enotes
\barre %6
\notes&\qu {^C}&\zhp {^e}\zhlp g\pto ihi\enotes
\NOtes\pause&\qu {^J}\qu C&\tten0\hu i&\pause\enotes
\barre %7
\notes&\qu D&\lh d\itenl1d\zhl d\pto hgh\enotes
\NOtes\pause&\ql K&\tten0\itenu0h\qu h&\pause\enotes
\Notes&\qu D&\tten1\lq{=c}\zql d\tten0\triolet p\Ibu0hf2\qh0{hg}\tqh0{^f}\enotes
\barre %8
\NOtes\sk\pause&\qu G\ql N\qu G&\zhp b\zhlp d\hup g&\sk\pause\enotes
\setclef2\treble \changeclefs
\barre %9
\NOtes\lpz G\qu G\upz N\ql N&\zcharnote n{{\bf III} -- fltes}\zhp b\hup d&\zcharnote n{{\bf II} -- quinte}\ppt5\soupir&\isluru3m\ql k\Ibl1ji1\qbp 1j\enotes
\notes&&\ccu N&\tbbl1\tqb1i\enotes
\notes\lpz G\qu G&&\Ibu0ab1\qhp0a\sk\tbbu0\tqh0b&\Ibl1hg2\qbp1h\sk\tbbl1\tslur3m\tqb1g\enotes
\barre %10
\notes\qu H&\hup c&\qpqu cd&\isluru3m\hu g\enotes
\notes\ql a&&\qpqu ed\enotes
\notes\qu H&&\qpqu ec&\tslur3l\qu{^f}\enotes
\barre %11
\NOtes\qu H&\qup c&\qup{^f}&\isluru3l\ql l\enotes
\notes\ql a&\sk\dsoupir&\sk\sk\ccu a&\Qpql kj\enotes
\notes\qu H&\soupir&\qpqu bc&\Qpqlt ihk\enotes
\barre %12
\notes\qu I&\hlp d&\qpqu d{^e}&\isluru3l\hl h\enotes
\notes\ql b&&\qpqu {^f}d\enotes
\NOtes\qu I&&\qu g&\tslur3k\qu g\enotes
\barre %13
\NOtes\qu I&\zhp d\zhlp g\hu k&\hu g&\isluru3o\ql n\enotes
\Notes\ql b&&&\Ibl1mn2\qb1m\tqb1n\enotes
\Notes\qu I&&\qu d&\triolet o\Ibl0lk2\qb0{lm}\tqb0k\enotes
\barre %14
\NOtes\qu J&\zh e\hu g&\qu d&\tslur3n\hlp l\enotes
\Notes\ql c&&\Ibu0cd1\qh0c\tqh0d\enotes
\Notes\qu J&\soupir&\triolet M\Ibu0ba2\qh0{bc}\tqh0a\enotes
\barre %15
\NOtes\qu H&\zh c\hu j&\hu f&\isluru3n\ql m\enotes
\Notes\ql a&&&\Ibl0lm1\qb0l\tqb0m\enotes
\Notes\qu H&\zq c\qu f&\qu c&\triolet n\Ibl0kj2\qb0{kl}\tqb0j\enotes
\barre %16
\NOtes\qu I&\zh d\hu f&\qu c&\tslur3l\hlp k\enotes
\Notes\ql b&&\qqh bc\enotes
\Notes\qu I&\soupir&\qqqh abN\enotes
\barre %17
\NOtes\qu G&\zh b\hu i&\hu e&\isluru3m\ql l\enotes
\Notes\ql N&&&\qqb kl\enotes
\Notes\qu G&\zq b\qu e&\qu b&\qqqb jki\enotes
\barre %18
\NOtes\qu H&\zhp c\hup e&\qu b&\tslur3k\hl j\enotes
\Notes\ql a&&\qqh ab\enotes
\Notes\qu H&&\qqqh cba&\isluru3k\ql j\enotes
\barre %19
\NOtes\qu I&\hu d&\zq a\qu d&\hl k\enotes
\Notes\ql b&&\Ibl1NM1\Ibu0gf1\zqb1N\qh0g\tbl1\zqb1{^M}\tqh0{^f}\enotes
\Notes\qu J&\qu e&\Ibl1Na1\Ibu0gh1\zqb1N\zql e\qh0g\tbl1\zqb1a\tqh0h&\ql l\enotes
\barre %20
\NOTEs\pointdurgue F\hu K&\hu d&\pointdorgue n\zh {bdg}\hu i&\pointdorgue
m\tslur3l\hl k\enotes
\Notes\soupir&\soupir&\uptext{\kern -5mm\it a tempo}\soupir&\Uptext{\kern -5mm\it a tempo}\ds\cl n\enotes
\barre %21
\Notes\sk\sk\sk\pause&\sk\sk\sk\pause&\sk\sk\sk\pause&\qqb op\qqb on\qqb {^m}n\enotes
\barre %22
\notes\qu I&&\ibbbu0g0\zq d\qh0f\tbbu0\zq e\qh0g\zq f\qh0h\sk\nbbbu0\zq
e\qh0g\zq d\tqh0f\enotes
\barre %23
\NOtes\qu J&&\zhp c\zhlp e\raise 2\Interligne\soupir&\isluru3m\qlp l\enotes
\Notes\ql c&&\hu g&\sk\cl j\enotes
\notes\qu J&&&\qpql ln\enotes
\barre %24
\NOtes\qu {=I}&&\zhp N\zhlp d\raise 2\Interligne\soupir&\tslur3l\qlp k\enotes
\Notes\ql {=b}&&\hu g&\sk\isluru3l\cl i\enotes
\notes\qu I&&&\qpql kn\enotes
\barre %25
\NOtes\qu {_H}\ql{_a}&&\zh {_a}\zhl c&\tslur3l\hl j\enotes
\notes\qu H&\zcharnote a{(III -- fltes)}\qu e&\ibbbu0j0\zq {_h}\qh0j\tbbu0\zq i\qh0k\zq j\qh0l\sk\nbbbu0\zq
i\qh0k\zq h\tqh0j&\isluru4k\ql j\enotes
\barre %26
\NOtes\qu K\ql d&\hup d&\zh g\zhu i&\hlp i\enotes
\notes\qu K&&\ibbbu0i0\zq g\qh0i\tbbu0\zq {=h}\qh0j\zq i\qh0k\sk\nbbbu0\zq
h\qh0j\zq g\tqh0i\enotes
\barre %27
\NOtes\qu K\ql d&\hup c&\zh {^f}\zhu h&\hlp h\enotes
\notes\qu K&&\ibbbu0h0\zq f\qh0h\tbbu0\zq g\qh0i\zq h\qh0j\sk\nbbbu0\zq
g\qh0i\zq f\tqh0h\enotes
\barre %28
\NOtes\qu G\ql N\qu G&\itenl1b\hup b&\itenl2d\itenu3g\zhp d\hup g&\tslur4l\hup g\enotes
\barno 1\relax
\barre %2
\NOtes\zcharnote {-7}{\it il basso staccato}\lpz F\qu F\upz M\ql
M\lpz F\qu F&\tten1\hup b&\tten2\tten3\zhp d\hup g&\sk\pause\enotes
\barre %3
\notes\qu E&&\roff{\itenl1b\itenl2e}\zhp b\zhlp e\pto ghi&\enotes
\NOtes\ql L&&\tten0\qup i&\pause\enotes
\Notes\qu E&&\sk\cu g\enotes
\barre %4
\NOtes\qu D\ql K\qu D&&\tten1\tten2\zhp b\zhlp e\hup g\enotes
\barre %5
\notes\qu C&&\roff{\zhp e\zhlp h}\pto hij\enotes
\NOtes\qu J\qu C&&\tten0\hu j&\pause\enotes
\barre %6
\notes\qu {^C}&&\zhp {^e}\zhlp g\pto ihi\enotes
\NOtes\qu {^J}\qu C&&\tten0\hu i&\pause\enotes
\barre %7
\notes\qu D&&\lh d\itenl1d\zhl d\pto hgh\enotes
\NOtes\ql K&&\tten0\itenu0h\qu h&\pause\enotes
\Notes\qu D&&\tten1\lq{=c}\zql d\tten0\triolet p\Ibu0hf2\qh0{hg}\tqh0{^f}\enotes
\barre %8
\NOtes\qu G\ql N\qu G&&\zhp b\zhlp d\hup g\enotes
\barre %9
\NOtes\lpz G\qu G\upz N\ql N&\zhp b\hup d\zcharnote a{(III --
fltes)}&\ppt5\soupir\zcharnote n{(II -- quinte)}&\isluru3m\ql
k\Ibl1ji1\qbp 1j\enotes
\notes&&\ccu N&\tbbl1\tqb1i\enotes
\notes\lpz G\qu G&&\Ibu0ab1\qhp0a\sk\tbbu0\tqh0b&\Ibl1hg2\qbp1h\sk\tbbl1\tslur3m\tqb1g\enotes
\barre %10
\notes\qu H&\hup c&\qpqu cd&\isluru3m\hu g\enotes
\notes\ql a&&\qpqu ed\enotes
\notes\qu H&&\qpqu ec&\tslur3l\qu{^f}\enotes
\barre %11
\NOtes\qu H&\qup c&\qup{^f}&\isluru3l\ql l\enotes
\notes\ql a&\sk\dsoupir&\sk\sk\ccu a&\Qpql kj\enotes
\notes\qu H&\soupir&\qpqu bc&\Qpqlt ihk\enotes
\barre %12
\notes\qu I&\hlp d&\qpqu d{^e}&\isluru3l\hl h\enotes
\notes\ql b&&\qpqu {^f}d\enotes
\NOtes\qu I&&\qu g&\tslur3k\qu g\enotes
\barre %13
\NOtes\qu I&\zhp d\zhlp g\hu k&\hu g&\isluru3o\ql n\enotes
\Notes\ql b&&&\Ibl1mn2\qb1m\tqb1n\enotes
\Notes\qu I&&\qu d&\triolet o\Ibl0lk2\qb0{lm}\tqb0k\enotes
\barre %14
\NOtes\qu J&\zh e\hu g&\qu d&\tslur3n\hlp l\enotes
\Notes\ql c&&\Ibu0cd1\qh0c\tqh0d\enotes
\Notes\qu J&\soupir&\triolet M\Ibu0ba2\qh0{bc}\tqh0a\enotes
\barre %15
\NOtes\qu H&\zh c\hu j&\hu f&\isluru3n\ql m\enotes
\Notes\ql a&&&\Ibl0lm1\qb0l\tqb0m\enotes
\Notes\qu H&\zq c\qu f&\qu c&\triolet n\Ibl0kj2\qb0{kl}\tqb0j\enotes
\barre %16
\NOtes\qu I&\zh d\hu f&\qu c&\tslur3l\hlp k\enotes
\Notes\ql b&&\qqh bc\enotes
\Notes\qu I&\soupir&\qqqh abN\enotes
\barre %17
\NOtes\qu G&\zh b\hu i&\hu e&\isluru3m\ql l\enotes
\Notes\ql N&&&\qqb kl\enotes
\Notes\qu G&\zq b\qu e&\qu b&\qqqb jki\enotes
\barre %18
\NOtes\qu H&\zhp c\hup e&\qu b&\tslur3k\hl j\enotes
\Notes\ql a&&\qqh ab\enotes
\Notes\qu H&&\qqqh cba&\isluru3k\ql j\enotes
\barre %19
\NOtes\qu I&\hu d&\zq a\qu d&\hl k\enotes
\Notes\ql b&&\Ibl1NM1\Ibu0gf1\zqb1N\qh0g\tbl1\zqb1{^M}\tqh0{^f}\enotes
\Notes\qu J&\qu e&\Ibl1Na1\Ibu0gh1\zqb1N\zql e\qh0g\tbl1\zqb1a\tqh0h&\ql l\enotes
\barre %20
\NOTEs\pointdurgue F\hu K&\hu d&\pointdorgue n\zh {bdg}\hu i&\pointdorgue
m\tslur3l\hl k\enotes
\Notes\soupir&\soupir&\uptext{\kern -5mm\it a tempo}\soupir&\Uptext{\it a tempo}\ds\cl n\enotes
\barre %21
\Notes\sk\sk\sk\pause&\sk\sk\sk\pause&\sk\sk\sk\pause&\qqb op\qqb on\qqb {^m}n\enotes
\barre %22
\notes\qu I&&\ibbbu0g0\zq d\qh0f\tbbu0\zq e\qh0g\zq f\qh0h\sk\nbbbu0\zq
e\qh0g\zq d\tqh0f\enotes
\barre %23
\NOtes\qu J&&\zhp c\zhlp e\raise 2\Interligne\soupir&\isluru3m\qlp l\enotes
\Notes\ql c&&\hu g&\sk\cl j\enotes
\notes\qu J&&&\qpql ln\enotes
\barre %24
\NOtes\qu {=I}&&\zhp N\zhlp d\raise 2\Interligne\soupir&\tslur3l\qlp k\enotes
\Notes\ql {=b}&&\hu g&\sk\isluru3l\cl i\enotes
\notes\qu I&&&\qpql kn\enotes
\barre %25
\NOtes\qu {_H}\ql{_a}&&\zh {_a}\zhl c&\tslur3l\hl j\enotes
\notes\qu H&\zcharnote a{(III --
fltes)}\qu e&\ibbbu0j0\zq {_h}\qh0j\tbbu0\zq i\qh0k\zq j\qh0l\sk\nbbbu0\zq
i\qh0k\zq h\tqh0j&\isluru3k\ql j\enotes
\barre %26
\NOtes\qu K\ql d&\hup d&\zh g\zhu i&\hlp i\enotes
\notes\qu K&&\ibbbu0i0\zq g\qh0i\tbbu0\zq {=h}\qh0j\zq i\qh0k\sk\nbbbu0\zq
h\qh0j\zq g\tqh0i\enotes
\barre %27
\NOtes\qu K\ql d&\hup c&\zh {^f}\zhu h&\hlp h\enotes
\notes\qu K&&\ibbbu0h0\zq f\qh0h\tbbu0\zq g\qh0i\zq h\qh0j\sk\nbbbu0\zq
g\qh0i\zq f\tqh0h\enotes
\barno 29\relax
\barre %30
\NOTEs\itenl0G\hup G&\itenl1b\itenu2f\zhp{=f}\hup{^b}&\itenl3b\itenu4g\itenl5d\zhp{^b}\zhp d\hup g&\itenu6g\hup g\enotes
\barre %31
\NOTes\itenl0G\hup G&\zq f\qu{^b}&\itenl1b\itenl2d\itenu3g\zhp{^b}\zhp d\hup g&\qu g\enotes
\notes&&\zcharnote n{\kern -4mm{\bf III} -- fltes}&\ds\cu g\qqqq{_h}g{^f}g\enotes
\barre %32
\znotes&&\tten1\tten2\tten3\zcharnote r{\kern -2mm
\it reprendre au III}\zcharnote n{\kern -2mm
\it l'accord du II accoupl}\enotes
\notes\tten0\itenl0G\hup G&&\itenl1d\itenl2b\itenu3g\zhp d\zhp
g\hup{^b}&\qqqq{=f}ede\qqqq fede\qqqq dc{^b}c\enotes
\barre %33
\NOTes\tten0\hu G&&\tten1\tten2\tten3\zh d\zh g\hu{^b}&\hu d\enotes
\notes\pt5\ds\ccu G&\uptext{\bf II}\pt5\ds\ccl M&\uptext{\bf II}\pt5\ds\zq {^b}\zq d\ccu g&\soupir\enotes
\barre %34
\NOtes\itenl0G\hup G&\ql L&\itenl1c\itenl2e\itenu3g\zhp c\zhp e\hup g&\soupir\enotes
\Notes&&\uptext{{\bf III} - fltes}&\ds\cu g\enotes
\barre %35
\notes\tten0\itenl0G\hup G&&\tten1\tten2\tten3\itenl1c\itenl2e\zhp{ce}\hup
g&\qqqq{=f}ede\qqqq fede\qqqq edc{^b}\enotes
\barre %36
\NOTes\pointdorgue b\tten0\itenl0G\hup G&&\pointdorgue m\tten1\tten2\itenl1c\itenl2e\zhp c\hup
e&\pointdorgue m\qu c\enotes
\Notes&&&\ds\cu N\qqh ce\enotes
\barre %37
\notes\tten0\itenl0G\hup G&&\tten1\tten2\itenl1c\itenl2e\zhp c\hup e&\qqqq
gecN\qqqq cegj\qqqq ljge\enotes
\barre %38
\notes\tten0\itenl0G\hup G&&\tten1\tten2\itenl1c\itenl2e\zhp c\hup e&\qqqq
gjln\qqqq qnlj\qqqq lnqs\enotes
\barre %39
\NOTes\tten0\hu G&&\tten1\tten2\zh c\hu e&\pointdurgue c\qlp {!'n}\enotes
\notes\pt5\ds\ccu G&\uptext{\kern -5mm\bf I -- \ppff ff}\pt5\ds\ccl N&\uptext{\kern -5mm\bf I --
\ppff ff}\pt5\ds\zq c\ccu e&\soupir\enotes
\barre %40
\NOtes\itenl0G\hup G&\ql N&\itenl1b\roff{\itenl2c}\itenu3e\zhp b\roff{\zhp c}\hup {^e}&\soupir\enotes
\Notes&\soupir&\uptext{{\bf III} - fltes}&\ds\cl j\enotes
\barre %41
\notes\tten0\itenl0G\hup G&&\tten1\tten2\tten3\itenl1b\roff{\itenl2c}\itenu3e\zhp b\roff{\zhp c}\hup {^e}%
&\qqqq {=i}{_h}gh\qqqq ihgh\qqqq gf{^e}f\enotes
\barre %42
\NOTes\tten0\hu G&&\tten1\tten2\tten3\zh b\rh c\hu {^e}&\hu g\enotes
\notes\pt5\ds\ccu G&\uptext{\bf II}\pt5\ds\ccl N&\uptext{\bf II}\pt5\ds\zq
b\rq c\ccu {^e}&\soupir\enotes
\barre %43
\NOtes\itenl0F\hup F&\ql M&\itenl1a\itenl2c\itenu3f\zhp {_a}\zhp c\hup f&\soupir\enotes
\Notes&&\uptext{{\bf III} - fltes}&\ds\cu j\enotes
\barre %44
\notes\tten0\itenl0F\hup F&&\tten1\tten2\tten3\itenl1a\itenl2c\zhp{_a}\zhp c\hup
f&\qqqq{=i}{_h}gh\qqqq ihgh\qqqq hgf{^e}\enotes
\barre %45
\NOTes\pointdorgue b\tten0\itenl0F\hup F&&\pointdorgue m\tten1\tten2\itenl1a\itenl2c\zhp {_a}\hup
c&\pointdorgue m\qu f\enotes
\Notes&&&\ds\cu {_a}\qqh cf\enotes
\barre %46
\notes\tten0\itenl0F\hup F&&\tten1\tten2\itenl1a\itenl2c\zhp {_a}\hup c&\qqqq
{_h}fc{_a}\qqqq cfhj\qqqq mjhf\enotes
\barre %47
\notes\tten0\itenl0F\hup F&&\tten1\tten2\itenl1a\itenl2c\zhp {_a}\hup c&\qqqq
{_h}jm{_o}\qqqq qomj\qqqq moqt\enotes
\barre %48
\NOTes\tten0\hu F&&\tten1\tten2\zh {_a}\hu c&\pointdurgue e\qlp {!'_o}\enotes
\notes\pt5\ds\ccu F&\uptext{\kern -5mm\bf I -- \ppff ff}\pt5\ds\ccl
M&\uptext{\kern -5mm\bf I --
\ppff ff}\pt5\ds\zq {ac}\ccu f&\soupir\enotes
\barre %49
\NOtes\itenl0D\hup D&\qu K&\itenl1a\itenl2c\itenu3f\zhp {=a}\zhp c\hup {^f}&\soupir\enotes
\Notes&\soupir&\uptext{{\bf III} - fltes}&\ds\cl j\enotes
\Notes&&&\qqb kl\enotes
\barre %50
\notes\tten0\hup D&&\tten1\tten2\tten3\zhp a\zhp c\hup {^f}%
&\qqqq lk{=m}l\qqqq lkkj\qqqq j{^i}ij\enotes
\barre %51
\notes\lpz G\qu G&&\zhp N\zhp{^b}\itenu1f\hup{=f}&\ptb {^i}jk\enotes
\NOtes\upz N\ql N&&&\tten0\qlp k\enotes
\Notes\lpz N\qu G&&\tten1\qqh fe&\sk\cl j\enotes
\barre %52
\NOtes\lpz J\qu J\upz c\ql c\upz J\qu J&&\itenl1N\itenl2c\itenu3e\zhp N\zhp
c\hup e&\hlp j\enotes
\barre %53
\NOtes\qu{=I}\ql{=b}\qu I&\sk\uptext{\bf II}&\tten1\tten2\tten3\zhp N\zhp
c\hup e\uptext{\bf II}&\sk\pause\enotes
\barre %54
\notes\qu {_H}&&\itenl1e\itenl2h\zhp e\zhlp {_h}\pto jkl&\enotes
\NOtes\ql {_a}&&\tten0\qup l&\pause\enotes
\Notes\qu H&&\sk\cu j\enotes
\barre %55
\NOtes\qu G\ql N\qu G&&\tten1\tten2\zhp e\zhlp {_h}\hup j\enotes
\barre %56
\notes\qu F&&\roff{\zhp {_h}\zhlp k}\pto klm\enotes
\NOtes\qu M\qu F&&\tten0\hu m&\pause\enotes
\barre %57
\notes\qu {^F}&&\zhp {=h}\zhlp j\pto lkl\enotes
\NOtes\qu {^M}\qu F&\hpause\ql c&\tten0\hu l&\pause\enotes
\barre %58
\notes\qu G&\hl c&\zhlp g\pto kjk\enotes
\NOtes\ql N&&\tten0\itenu0k\qu k&\pause\enotes
\Notes\qu G&\uptrio e2{10}\ql{^b}\sk\cl{=f}&\tten0\triolet t\Ibu0ki2\qh0{kj}\tqh0{^i}\enotes
\barre %59
\NOtes\qu J\ql c\qu J&\hlp e\uptext{ \bf I -- \ff}&\zhlp g\hup j\uptext{ \bf I -- \ff}&\sk\pause\enotes
\barre %60
\NOTes\qu C&&\zq g\zq j\ql l&\isluru3m\ql n\enotes
\Notes\qu J&\sk\sk\ccl N&\pt5\ds\sk\ccu c&\qpql ml\enotes
\Notes\qu C&\qpql {^b}c&\qpqu de&\qpql kj\enotes
\barre %61
\Notes\qu D&\hl c&\qpqu fg&\hl k\enotes
\Notes\qu K&&\qpqu {_h}g\enotes
\Notes\qu D&\ql{^b}&\rlap{\sk\sk\itenl0f}\qpqu hf&\tslur3j\ql{^i}\enotes
\barre %62
\NOTes\qu D&&\tten0\Sh i\lFl h\rq i\zq h\qu f&\isluru3p\ql {_o}\enotes
\Notes\qu K&\sk\sk\ccl {^b}&\pt5\ds\sk\ccu d&\qpql nm\enotes
\Notes\qu D&\qpql cd&\qpqu ef&\qpql lk\enotes
\barre %63
\Notes\qu E&\hl d&\qpqu g{=h}&\hl k\enotes
\Notes\qu L&&\rlap{\sk\sk\itenl1g}\qpqu {^i}g\enotes
\Notes\qu E&\ql c&\tten1\zq g\qu j&\tslur3j\ql j\enotes
\barre %64
\NOTes\qu E&\ql c&\zq g\qu j&\ust q\ql q\enotes
\Notes\ql L&\zhl N\Ibu1dc1\qh1d\itenu0c\tqh1c&\qqh{=i}j&\qqb{=p}q\enotes
\Notes\qu E&\tten0\itenu0c\qu c&\Fl h\rlap{\sk\sk\itenl2g}\qqqh hig&\isluru3p\Fl o\qqqb opn\enotes
\barre %65
\NOTes\qu F&\tten0\hup c&\roff{\tten2\zql g}\hup{_h}&\tslur3p\hlp{_o}\enotes
\Notes\ql M&\qqb fg&\enotes
\Notes\qu F&\qqqb efd\enotes
\barre %66
\NOTes\qu D&\ql b&\zq f\qu i&\ust p\ql p\enotes
\Notes\ql K&\zhl M\Ibu1cb1\qh1c\itenu0b\tqh1b&\qqh{_h}i&\qqb{_o}p\enotes
\Notes\qu D&\tten0\itenu0b\qu b&\rlap{\sk\sk\itenl2f}\qqqh ghf&\isluru3o\qqqb {n}om\enotes
\barre %67
\NOTes\qu E&\tten0\hup b&\roff{\tten2\zql f}\hup g&\tslur3o\hlp n\enotes
\Notes\ql L&\qqb ef\enotes
\Notes\qu E&\qqqb dec\enotes
\barre %68
\NOtes\qu C&\lh e\itenu1f\hlp f&\qu{=h}&\itenu3m\hlp m\enotes
\Notes\qu J&&\sk\cu h\enotes
\Notes\qu C&&\qpqu ij\enotes
\barre %69
\NOtes\qu D&\zhp b\tten1\zhlp f&\hup i&\tten3\ql m\enotes
\Notes\qu K&&\uptext{\bf II}&\ds\isluru3n\cl m\enotes
\Notes\qu D&&&\qpql ki\enotes
\barre %70
\NOtes\qu E&\hlp b&\zh e\hu g&\tslur3j\ql i\enotes
\Notes\qu L&&&\ds\isluru3j\cl {=h}\enotes
\Notes\qu E&&\qqh ge&\qpql ij\enotes
\barre %71
\NOtes\qu D&\ql b&\qu f&\tslur3k\qlp i\enotes
\Notes\qu K&\soupir&\ds\cu f&\sk\ds\enotes
\Notes\qu D&\ql M&\qpqu db&\soupir\enotes
\barre %72
\NOtes\qu E&\hl N&\qup b\enotes
\Notes\qu L&&\ds\cu a&\pause\enotes
\Notes\qu E&\ql N&\qpqu bc\enotes
\barre %73
\NOtes\pointdorgue a\hup D&\hlp M\uptext{\bf III}&\pointdorgue l\hup
b\uptext{\bf III}&\sk\pointdorgue l\pause\sk\enotes
\barre %74
\NOtes\hup D&\hlp M&\zq b\qu f&\itenu3p\ql p\enotes
\notes&&\zhl f\qu k&\tten3\qqqqb ponm\enotes
\notes&&\qu i&\qqqqb lkji\enotes
\barre %75
\Notes\hup E&\hlp L&\zql e\zh g\hu j&\cu g\itenu3n\qlp n\enotes
\NOtes&&\zhl c&\enotes
\notes&&\zq b\qu g&\tten3\qqqb nlj\enotes
\barre %76
\NOtes\lpz F\qu F\upz M\ql M\lpz F\qu F&\hl b\sk\ql{_a}&\zhp c\hup f&\hl i\sk\ql{_h}\enotes
\barre %77
\NOtes\lpz D\qu D&\ql f&\hu i&\itenu3m\hl m\enotes
\NOtes\upz K\ql K&\hl b&&\enotes
\notes\lpz D\qu D&\ql {_a}&\qu f&\tten3\qqqb mki\enotes
\barre %78
\NOtes\qu E&\roff{\zql a}\Fl a\zhp e\hlp b&\uptext{{\bf II} -- quinte}\soupir&\qu{_h}\enotes
\Notes\ql L&\hl N&\ds\cu e&\hu g\enotes
\notes\qu E&&\qpqu bN\enotes
\barre %79
\NOtes\qu D&\hl M&\hup{^b}&\qu f\enotes
\Notes\qu K&&&\ds\cu {^b}\enotes
\notes\qu D&\ql M&&\qpqu cd\enotes
\barre %80
\NOtes\qu E&\zhp N\hlp c&\soupir&\hup c\enotes
\Notes\ql L&&\ds\cl q\enotes
\notes\qu E&\zqp N\qlp c&\qpqu nl\enotes
% \def\grace{\catcodesmusic\grnotes&&&\grcu}%
\def\grace{\catcodesmusic\hardnotes 1.5\Interligne\notes&&&\grcu}%
\barre %81
\NOtes\qu F&\hlp {_a}&\qup j&\hup f\enotes
\Notes\ql M&&\ds\cu {^i}\enotes
\notes\qu F&&\qpqu jk\enotes
\barre %82
\NOtes\qu E&\hlp N&\hlp j&\qup e\enotes
\Notes\ql L&&&\sk\cl j\enotes
\notes\qu E&&&\qpqu ge\enotes
\barre %83
\NOtes\qu F&\itenu2c\zhp c\hlp {_a}&&\qup c\enotes
\Notes\ql M&&&\sk\cu {^b}\enotes
\notes\qu F&&&\qpqu cd\enotes
\barre %84
\NOTes\qup E&\tten2\zqp c\qlp g&&\qup c\enotes
E&&\ibl0c0\ibu1j0\zqb0c\qh1j\zqb0{^b}\qh1{^i}\tbl0\tbu1\zqb0c\zq g\qh1j&\ds\soupir\enotes
\barre %85
\NOtes\qu F\ql M&&\zhl {_d}\zh {_h}\hu {_k}\enotes
\notes\qu F&&\ibbbl0f0\ibbbu1k0\zqb0d\qh1k\tbbl0\tbbu1\zqb0e\qh1l\zqb0f\qh1m\sk
\barre %86
\NOtes\pointdorgue a\hu G&&\pointdorgue m\zhl c\zh e\zh g\hu
j&\sk\pointdorgue l\hpause\enotes
\Notes\soupir&&\ds\zcl c\cu j&\ds\cl q\enotes
\barre %87
\barre %88
\NOtes\qu{^E}\ql{^L}&&\zhl{=b}\zh{_d}\zh g\hu{=i}&\hl{=p}\enotes
\notesp\qu E&&\ibbbl0i0\zq g\qb0i\tbbl0\zq {_h}\qb0j\zq i\qb0{_k}\sk\nbbbl0\zq
h\qb0j\zq g\tqb0i&\advance\transpose 7\ibbbl0i0\qh0i\tbbl0\qh0j\qh0{_k}\sk\nbbbl0\qh0j\tqb0i\enotes
\barre %89
\NOtes\qu F&&\zqp f\qup{_h}&\qlp{_o}\enotes
\Notes\ql M&\sk\cl {_a}&\sk\cu f&\sk\cl m\enotes
\notes\qu F&\ql c&\qpqu hj&\qpql oq\enotes
\barre %90
\NOtes\qu {=E}&\qlp c&\qup g&\qlp n\enotes
\Notes\ql {=L}&\sk\cl N&\sk\cu e&\sk\cl l\enotes
\notes\qu E&\ql c&\qpqu gj&\qpql nq\enotes
\barre %91
\NOtes\qu{_D}\ql{_K}&\hl{_d}&\hu f&\hl m\enotes
\notes\qu D&&\ibbbu0j0\zq {f}\zql{_h}\qh0{_k}\tbbu0\qh0l\qh0m\sk\nbbbu0\qh0l\tqh0k&\ibbbl0n0\qb0m\tbbl0\qb0n\qb0{_o}\sk\nbbbl0\qb0n\tqb0m\enotes
\barre %92
\NOtes\qu{G}\ql{N}&&\zh {e}\zhl{g}\hu j&\hl l\enotes
\notesp\qu G&&\ibbbu0i0\zq {e}\zql{g}\qh0{j}\tbbu0&\ibbbu1m0\qh1l\tbbu1\enotes
\barre %93
\NOtes\qu{G}\ql{N}&&\zh {d}\zhl{f}\hu {^i}&\hl k\enotes
\notes\qu G&&\ibbbu0h0\zq {d}\zql{f}\qh0i\tbbu0\qh0{j}\qh0k\sk\nbbbu0\qh0j\tqh0i&\ibbbu0l0\qh0k\tbbu0\qh0l\qh0m\sk\nbbbu0\qh0l\tqh0k\enotes
\barre %94
\NOtes\qu{_H}\ql{_a}\qu{_H}&\zhp e\hlp c&\hup j&\itenu3j\hlp j\enotes
\barre %95
\notes\qu G&\ptb cde&\hup j&\tten3\hlp j\enotes
\NOtes\ql N&\tten0\hl e\enotes
\NOtes\qu G\enotes
\barre %96
\grace e\enotes
\notesp\pointdurgue E\hu
k\itenu1j\zqp j\itenu2l\tbu0\qhp0l\sk&\pointdorgue l\hl j\enotes
\NOTes\pointdorgue c\qu {^M}&\tten0\pointdorgue e\zq L\lSh M\lq M\zq a\ql
e&\pointdorgue s\tten1\tten2\zq j\qu l\enotes
\advance\mulooseness -1\relax
\notes\ccu {^F}&\ccl c\zmidtwotext{\llap{\bf I -- \ff\space\space}}&\zq e\ccu h&\ccl l\Uptext{\llap{\ppff
Solenne }}\enotes
\barre %97
\grace j\enotes
\NOtes\hup G&\zql c&\zhp d\hup g&\ql k\enotes
\NOTes&\hl{^b}&&\hl k\enotes
\barre %98
\grace k\enotes
\NOTes\hu{^I}&\hl{_a}&\zh d\hu f&\hl m\enotes
\notes\cu I&\ccl d&\zq f\ccu{_h}&\ccl m\enotes
\barre %99
\grace k\enotes
\NOtes\hup J&\ql d&\zhp e\hup g&\ql l\enotes
\grace j\enotes
\NOTes&\hl c&&\hl l\enotes
\barre %100
\NOTes\hu{^J}&\hl{=b}&\zh{^e}\hu g&\hl n\enotes
\notes\ccu J&\zq {^e}\ccl g&\ccu i&\ccl n\enotes
\barre %101
\NOtes\hup K&\zq {^e}\ql g&\hup h&\ql n\enotes
\grace k\enotes
\NOTes&\zh f\hl d&&\hl m\enotes
\barre %102
\NOTes\hu G&\zh{b}\hl{=e}&\hu i&\hl {=l}\enotes
\alldsp\grace i\enotes
\notes\ccu G&\zq{b}\ccl{e}&\ccu i&\ccl l\enotes
\barre %103
\grace i\enotes
\NOtes\hup H&\zq b\ql e&\hu i&\ql l\enotes
\NOtes&\lSh c\zh{c}\hl{^e}&&\ql {^j}\enotes
\grace h\enotes
\Notes&&\qu h&\ibl0j0\qb0j\enotes
\grace g\enotes
\barre %104
\grace f\enotes
\NOTEs\pointdurgue F\hup I&\pointdorgue d\hl d&\pointdorgue l\hup f&\pointdorgue m\hlp k\enotes
\barre %105
\NOTes\hu{^F}&\hl{=e}&\zh{hj}\hu l&\hl o\enotes
\grace j\enotes
\notes\ccu F&&\zq{hj}\ccu l&\ccl o\enotes
\barre %106
\grace j\enotes
\NOtes\hup G&\soupir\soupir\ql b&\roff{\zql h}\zhp i\hup k\hlp g&\ql o\hl n\enotes
\barre %107
\NOTes\hu{^I}&\hl{^b}&\zh{f_h}\hu k&\hl m\enotes
\grace h\enotes
\notes\ccu I&&\zq{fh}\ccu k&\ccl m\enotes
\barre %108
\grace g\enotes
\NOtes\hup J&\soupir\soupir\ql c&\roff{\zhlp g}\zq f\qu k\zh e\hu j&\ql m\hl l\enotes
\barre %109
\NOTes\hu{^J}&\hl{^c}&\zh{^eg}\hu i&\hl i\enotes
\grace {=e}\enotes
\notes\ccu {^C}&&\ccl g&\ccl i\enotes
\barre %110
\NOtes\qu D\qu K\qu D&&\zhp {bd}\hup g&\hlp i\enotes
\barre %111
\notes\qu{=C}&&\pt L\zh N\roff{\zhp a}\hup e&\ptb hij\enotes
\NOtes\qu{=J}\qu C&&&\tten0\hl j\enotes
\barre %112
\notes\qu{^C}&&\zhp b\zhp N\hup {^e}&\ptb ihi\enotes
\NOtes\qu{^J}\qu C&&&\tten0\hl i\enotes
\barre %113
\notes\qu D&\hl N&\zh a\hup d&\pto hgh\enotes
\NOtes\qu K&&&\tten0\itenu0h\ql h\enotes
\Notes\qu D&\zql K\triolet d\ibu0L0\qh0{^MN}\tqh0M&\triolet l\Ibu0ca2\qh0c\qh0b\tqh0a&\tten0\qqqh hg{^f}\enotes
\barre %114
\NOTes\itenl0G\hup G&\itenl1K\hlp K&\itenl2N\itenl3b\zhp N\hup b&\qup g\enotes
\notes&&&\cu N\islurd5c\qqqq bdgi\enotes
\barre %115
\notes\tten0\hup G&\tten1\hlp K&\tten2\tten3\itenl2N\itenl3b\zhp N\hup
b&\rlap{\sk\sk\sk\tslur5c}\qqqqh gdbd\islurd5f\qqqqh gikn\tslur5n\rlap{\sk\isluru5n}\qqqqb pnpr\enotes
\barre %116
\NOtes\pointdorgue a\hup G&\sk\pause&\pointdorgue l\tten2\tten3\zhp b\zhp d\hup
g&\pointdurgue e\tslur5u\hlp u\enotes
\mulooseness 1\relax