Josia Pietsch 200080fe9d Tag 6
2022-03-27 12:09:14 +02:00

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%% musixcrd - typsetting chord symbols with %%
%% musixtex %%
%% main source file contains code, doc, and examples %%
%% $Id$ %%
%% copyright 2004 , Robert Hennig %%
%% this code is licensed in terms of the %%
%% GNU Public License %%
%% %%
\makeatletter% ^^A allows to use @ as ordinary letter
% \def\backslash{\tt\char'134}
% \def\musixtex{MusiX\TeX}
% \def\musixcrd{MusixCrd}
% \def\crdexample#1{{\tt\backslash c #1 }$\rightarrow$ \c #1 \medskip}
% \def\pmx{PMX}
% \title{
% {\bf \musixcrd} \\
% --- Typesetting Chord Symbols with \musixtex --- \\
% Version 1.1 \\
% {\large $Revision$}}
% \author{Robert Hennig\thanks{}}
% \maketitle
% \tableofcontents
% \section{Usage}
% This package was written to ease the typesetting of chord symbols
% for music scores.
% One point of focus was that the user should have not to much to type
% if placing the cord. So one macro will be used which takes characters
% as argument which describe the chord to type. \par
% Thought the syntax of the chord description could easily be altered they
% should become somewhat stable whereas the output format can be adapted to
% individual needs.
% Further the notenames can be transposed, so transposing a music piece
% with chord symbols can be done easily. \par
% The package can be used with \musixtex\ and \pmx\
% -- which also gave the idea for the usage of an short chord--description
% `language'.
% \footnote{If the default output functions are changed the package could
% also be used with \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} alone.}
% \par
% \DescribeMacro{\c}
% The main macro which the package defines is
% \verb*|\c |\synt{chord-list}\verb*| |. The argument is an space
% terminated \synt{chord-list}
% \footnote{This form of argument was choosen because it leads to a
% short notation inside \pmx\ e.g.: \\
% {\tt \backslash c AfM \backslash\ e8 f g4 \backslash c Gm7 \backslash\ b4 g}
% }.
% \begin{demo}[w]{\musixtex}
% \nobarnumbers
% \startextract
% \NOtes\c CM7 \hu e\c Dm7 \hu f\en\bar
% \NOTEs\c Ch/E \hu g\c F6/A \hu h\en\bar
% \NOtes\c 0-1E7/G \hl i\c Fd/Af \hl j\en
% \endextract
% \end{demo}
% \subsection{Syntax}
% \begin{grammar}
% <empty> ::= `'
% <digit> ::= `0' | `1' | `2' | `3' | `4' | `5' | `6' | `7' | `8' | `9'
% <number> ::= <digit> | `-' <digit>
% <vertical-shift> ::= <number> | <empty>
% <horizontal-shift> ::= <number> | <empty>
% <note-base-name> ::= `C' | `D' | `E' | `F' | `G' | `A' | `B'
% <accidental> ::= `s' | `f' | `ds' | `df'
% <note-name> ::= <empty> | <note-base-name>
% | <note-base-name> <accidental>
% <chord-qualifier> ::=
% `m' | `d' | `h' | `M' | `4' | `+5' | `-5' | `6' | `7' | `-9' | `+9'
% <chord-qualifier-list> ::= <empty>
% | <chord-qualifier> <chord-qualifier-list>
% <begin-bass-note> ::= <empty> | `/'
% <chord> ::= <vertical-shift> <horizontal-shift> \\
% <note-name> <chord-qualifier-list> \\
% <begin-bass-note> <note-name> <chord-qualifier-list>
% <chord-list> ::= <chord-list> `,' <chord-list> | <chord> | <empty>
% \end{grammar}
% \subsection{Semantics}
% \paragraph{\synt{vertical-shift}}
% \DescribeMacro{\crddefaultheight}
% Adjustment of the vertical chord position in internotes,
% relative to the default value defined with
% \verb*|\crddefaultheight|. You may change this default within
% your sheet.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph{\synt{horizontal-shift}}
% Horizontal adjustment in multiples of \verb*|\elemskip|.
% \paragraph{\synt{accidental}}
% Allowed accidentals are: sharp, flat, double-sharp, double-flat.
% \paragraph{\synt{note-name}}
% \DescribeMacro{\crdtranspose}
% The given note names are transposed by the number of quint steps
% given in \verb*|\crdtranspose|. You may change this value within
% your sheet.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph{\synt{chord-qualifier}}
% Currently known qualifiers are:
% \begin{description}
% \item[m] minor
% \item[d] diminished
% \item[h] half-diminished
% \item[M] major
% \item[4] suspended fourth
% \item[+5] augmented fifth
% \item[-5] diminished fifth
% \item[6] 6th
% \item[7] 7th
% \item[9] 9th
% \item[-9] diminished 9th
% \item[+9] augmented 9th
% \end{description}
% Note that the syntax is independent of the visualization
% of the qualifier so different chord styles could be applied.
% \paragraph{\synt{begin-bass-note}}
% Use the `/' symbol to skip the \synt{note-name} and
% \synt{chord-qualifier-list} to allow the notation of
% bass-notes without chord-notes.
% \paragraph{\synt{chord-list}}
% With `,' separated chords are spread evenly
% within one bar. Use this notation if the horizontal positions
% of the chords do not line up with the notes.
% \section{Implementation}
% \subsection{Input Guard}
% To prevent repeated defenition of the main macros
% we end the inclusion of this file if we already now
% about our macros.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{List Macros}
% For the parsing of the chord description some macros are needed which
% can do simple string operations. \medskip \\
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@append}
% \syntax{"\\crd@append"<tokens-a>"\\to"<tokens-b>}\\
% Append \synt{tokens-a} to \synt{tokens-b}.
% \begin{macrocode}
\edef#2{\the\toks2 \the\toks0}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@prepend}
% \syntax{"\\crd@prepend"<tokens-a>"\\by"<tokens-b>}\\
% Prepend \synt{tokens-a} by \synt{tokens-b}.
% \begin{macrocode}
\edef#1{\the\toks2 \the\toks0}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@movetoken}
% \syntax{"\\crd@movetoken"<tokens-a>"\\to"<tokens-b>}\\
% Move the first token of \synt{tokens-a} to the front of
% \synt{tokens-b}.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{demo}[w]{test}
% \makeatletter
% \def\l{oo} (\l) %
% \crd@append{ns}\to\l append:(\l) %
% \crd@prepend\l\by{sp} prepend:(\l)\\%
% \def\swap#1#2{(#1,#2) %
% \ifx#1\empty\else\crd@movetoken#1\to#2\swap#1#2\fi}
% \def\r{} movetoken:\\ \swap\l\r
% \makeatother
% \end{demo}
% \subsection{Parsing}
% To describe the syntatic items which exists for a distinct semantic
% a \synt{syntax-table} is used.
% For each item exists a coresponding macro which will be executed
% if it name matches. The name of the item consists of the
% \synt{syntax-table} name and the \emph{reverse} syntax of this item. \par
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@parse}
% The \syntax{"\\crd@parse"<tokens>"\\for"<syntax-table>} macro is used
% to test if the first part of \synt{tokens} has matches for the longest
% possible item described in \synt{syntax-table}.
% If an item matched its macro will be expanded and
% and the tokens of the item are cut of from the given \synt{tokens}.
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@parsematched}
% The conditional \verb|\crd@parsematched| is true if an item matched and
% false otherwise.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newif\ifcrd@parsematched% true if parse matched
\newcount\crd@parsedepth% internal register
\def\crd@parse#1\for#2{% parse tokens #1 for occurence of items of table #2
\crd@parsedepth=1 % default if not defined
\crd@parsematchedfalse% initialisation
\crd@parser#1\for#2% call the recursive part
\def\crd@parser#1\for#2{% recursive part of parser
\ifx#1\empty\else% is list filled ?
\ifnum\crd@parsedepth>0 % and do we have to read more chars into stack
\advance\crd@parsedepth by-1 %
\crd@parser#1\for#2% recursive call
\ifcrd@parsematched\else% if still not matched
\expandafter\ifx\csname#2\stack\endcsname\relax% does item match
\crd@movetoken\stack\to#1% no match, put char back to source
\else% match
\crd@parsematchedtrue% signal success
% \end{macrocode}
% For an example suppose that we want to express the
% semantic \synt{bool} by the following grammar:
% \begin{grammar}
% <bool> ::= `y' | `n' | `yes' | `no'
% \end{grammar}
% \begin{demo}[w]{bool}
% \def\bool{bool} % syntax-table with name `bool'
% \def\booldepth{3} % max length of text to looking for is 3
% \def\booly{true}
% \def\booln{false}
% \def\boolsey{true*} % reverse syntax !!!
% \def\boolon{false*} % reverse syntax !!!
% \makeatletter
% \def\p#1{ (#1) \crd@parse#1\for\bool : (#1)\\}
% \makeatother
% \def\l{nonyyestest} \p\l\p\l\p\l\p\l\p\l
% \end{demo}
% \subsection{Chord parsing}
% \subsubsection{Vertical and Horizontal shifting}
% \begin{macrocode}
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number0\endcsname{\crd@numberval=0 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number1\endcsname{\crd@numberval=1 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number2\endcsname{\crd@numberval=2 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number3\endcsname{\crd@numberval=3 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number4\endcsname{\crd@numberval=4 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number5\endcsname{\crd@numberval=5 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number6\endcsname{\crd@numberval=6 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number7\endcsname{\crd@numberval=7 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number8\endcsname{\crd@numberval=8 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number9\endcsname{\crd@numberval=9 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number1-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-1 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number2-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-2 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number3-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-3 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number4-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-4 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number5-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-5 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number6-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-6 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number7-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-7 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number8-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-8 }%
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@number9-\endcsname{\crd@numberval=-9 }%
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{Notes and Accidentals}
% \paragraph{Syntax}
% In order to allow transposition of notes we use the circle of fifth
% for representing notes.
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@quintval}
% The syntax table \verb|\crd@quintval| contains the mapping from note
% names to the note position in the circle of fifth. \\
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@quint}
% The count register \verb|\crd@quint| is used to receive the result.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcount\crd@quint% register used to represent notes in the circle of
\def\crd@quintvalA{\crd@quint=3 }% A
\def\crd@quintvalB{\crd@quint=5 }% B
\def\crd@quintvalC{\crd@quint=0 }% C
\def\crd@quintvalD{\crd@quint=2 }% D
\def\crd@quintvalE{\crd@quint=4 }% E
\def\crd@quintvalF{\crd@quint=-1 }% F
\def\crd@quintvalG{\crd@quint=1 }% G
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@quintmod}
% The modification of the note position in the circle of fifth
% which is caused by the accidentals is coded in the
% \verb|\crd@quintmod| syntax table.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\crd@quintmods{\advance\crd@quint by7 }% sharp
\def\crd@quintmodf{\advance\crd@quint by-7 }% flat
\def\crd@quintmodsd{\advance\crd@quint by14 }% double sharp
\def\crd@quintmodfd{\advance\crd@quint by-14 }% double flat
% \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph{Notenames and accidental symbols}
% After transpositon and enharmonic adaption an reverse mapping
% from the circle of fifth to notenames and accidentals is needed.
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@note}
% The mapping from circle of fifth to notenames without accidentals
% is specified in the \verb|\crd@note| table.
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@notelow}\DescribeMacro{\crd@notehigh}
% In addition we need to now where the notes without accidentals
% start and end which is defined in \verb|\crd@notelow| and
% \verb|crd@notehigh|.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\crd@notelow{-1} % lowest quint without accidental
\def\crd@notehigh{5} % highest quint without accidental
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@sharp}\DescribeMacro{\crd@flat}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@doublesharp}\DescribeMacro{\crd@doubleflat}
% The following macros define the representation of the
% (default) accidentals.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \paragraph{Parsing}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@input}
% The following functions read their input from \verb|\crd@input|.\\
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@parsenote}
% The \syntax{"\\crd@parsenote"<note><accidental>}
% macro parses the input \verb|\crd@input| and if note and
% accidental could be detected the transposed note position
% in the circle of fifth will be calculated, transposed and
% adapted using the \verb|\crd@enharmonic| macro.
% Then the position in the circle of fifth is calculated back
% to the \synt{note} and \synt{accidental} representation which
% is stored in the arguments.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\crd@parsenote#1#2{% parse input results: #1
\ifcrd@parsematched% we got an valid note
\advance\crd@quint by\crdtranspose \relax% transposition, space is needed!
\ifnum\crd@quint>\crd@notehigh % sharps ?
\advance\crd@quint by-7 %
\ifnum\crd@quint>\crd@notehigh % double sharp ?
\advance\crd@quint by-7 %
\ifnum\crd@quint>\crd@notehigh % too much sharps !
\relax ERROR:too much sharps%
\ifnum\crd@quint<\crd@notelow % flats ?
\advance\crd@quint by7 %
\ifnum\crd@quint<\crd@notelow % double flat ?
\advance\crd@quint by7 %
\ifnum\crd@quint<\crd@notelow % too much flats !
\relax ERROR:too much flats%
ERROR:notename for (\number\crd@quint) is not defined.
\edef#1{\csname\crd@note\number\crd@quint\endcsname}% set note
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@enharmonic}
% To allow different enharmonic adaptions the \verb|\crd@enharmonic|
% macro is provided which default behaviour is to do nothing.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{demo}[w]{noteparsing}
% \makeatletter
% \def\parsenoter{\crd@parsenote\n\a%
% \ifx\n\empty\else{\crd@notetype\n\a}\parsenoter\fi}%
% \def\parsenotes#1{%
% \let\crd@flat=\crd@noteflat%
% \let\crd@sharp=\crd@notesharp%
% \def\crd@input{#1}\parsenoter}
% \makeatother
% \parsenotes{CDfDEfEFFsGAfAsB}
% \end{demo}
% \subsubsection{Chord Qualifiers}
% To cover a broad range of different styles for setting chord qualifiers
% the design is open for extensions. For the sake of demonstration and
% simple usability an default implementation is provided and discussed
% furtherwards. \\
% Suppose we want to distinguish 3 different kinds of qualifiers,
% some go down, some go up and alterations are put in brackets.
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@qualinit}
% We choose to use 3 lists (macros) to hold the parsing results.
% For initialisation of these lists the \verb|\crd@qualinit| macro
% has to be implemented.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\crd@lo{}% lower extensions
\def\crd@up{}% upper extensioins
\def\crd@alt{}% alterations
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@qual}
% Now the syntax table \verb|\crd@qual| has to be defined which fills
% the lists appropriatly.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\crd@qualm{\crd@append{\crd@smalltype m}\to\crd@lo}% minor
\def\crd@qualM{\crd@append{\crd@capitaltype M}\to\crd@up}% major7
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual4\endcsname% 4
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual5+\endcsname% aug. 5
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual5-\endcsname% dim. 5
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual6\endcsname% 6
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual7\endcsname% dominant 7
\def\crd@quald{\crd@append{\crd@dim}\to\crd@up}% diminished
\def\crd@qualh{\crd@append{\crd@hdim}\to\crd@up}% half diminished
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual9-\endcsname% -9
\expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual9+\endcsname% +9
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{demo}[w]{qualparsing}
% \makeatletter
% \def\parsequal#1{\def\crd@input{#1}%
% \crd@qualinit%
% \loop\crd@parse\crd@input\for\crd@qual%
% \ifcrd@parsematched\repeat%
% (\crd@lo,\crd@up,\crd@alt)%
% }%
% \makeatother
% \parsequal{mMdh4+5-567-9+9}
% \end{demo}
% \subsubsection{Parsing the whole chord}
% We are now ready to parse the whole chord, consisting
% of chordnote, qualifiers and bassnote. However
% if one likes to set only a bassnote one needs to tell
% that there is no chord note to set. For this purpose
% the \DescribeMacro{\crd@skipcrdnote} \verb|\crd@skipcrdnote|
% syntax table defines the `/' item which does this skip.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@parsecrd}
% \begin{macrocode}
\crd@vshift=0 %
\crd@hshift=0 %
\def\crd@crdnote{}% chord note
\def\crd@crdacc{}% chord note accidental
\def\crd@bassnote{}% bass note
\def\crd@bassacc{}% bass note accidental
\crd@qualinit% initialize qualifiers
\crd@parsenote\crd@crdnote\crd@crdacc% read chord note
\loop\crd@parse\crd@input\for\crd@qual% read qualifiers
\crd@parse\crd@input\for\crd@skipcrdnote% skip eventually
\crd@parsenote\crd@bassnote\crd@bassacc% read bass note
\crd@formatcrd\hfil% call rendering
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsubsection{ Multiple chords}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@parsecrds}
% The \verb|\crd@parsecrds| macro is used to read more then one
% chord. This can be usefull if no corresponding note over which
% one can put the note exist.
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@crddelim}
% The syntax table \verb|\crd@crddelim| is used.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{demo}[w]{multiple chords}
% \c (Cm),2CM,Cm7
% \end{demo}
% \DescribeMacro{\c}
% The main entry point for the user is the
% \verb*|\c |\synt{chord-list}\verb*| | macro which calls the
% \verb|\crd@output| routine with the formatted chords.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\crd#1 {\def\crd@input{#1}\crd@output\crd@parsecrds}
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Formatting}
% To allow the use of different fonts the
% notion of fontstyles is introduced.
% The initialisation of fontstyles is done in different macros.
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@fontstylea}
% \begin{macrocode}
\font\crd@smallninerm=cmr9 scaled 900
\font\crd@bigninerm=cmr9 scaled 1100
\let\crd@capitaltype=\crd@smallninerm % capitals
\let\crd@smalltype=\crd@bigninerm % small
% \end{macrocode}
% The formating of the chords is done in the
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@formatcrd}
% \verb|\crd@formatcrd| macro. The parse results are
% stored in the following macros:
% \verb|\crd@crdnote| -- chord note,
% \verb|\crd@crdacc| -- chord note accidental,
% \verb|\crd@bassnote| -- bass note and
% \verb|\crd@bassacc| -- bass note accidental.
%\iffalse % dont include this, just experimental code
${\rm \crd@crdnote}\crd@crdacc%
^{\crd@up}_{\raise0pt\hbox{{\rm \crd@lo}}}
\ifx\crd@bassnote\empty\else% do we have an bass note set ?
/{\rm \crd@bassnote}\crd@bassacc%
% \begin{macrocode}
\hbox{\vphantom{\crd@capitaltype M}\crd@lo}}%
\lower0.5ex\hbox{\kern-0.17em \crd@bassnote\crd@bassacc}}%
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{demo}[w]{formatting}
% \generalsignature{0}\generalmeter{\meterfrac44}
% \nobarnumbers
% \startextract
% \NOtes\c Cm,CM,Dm7 \hu f\en\bar
% \endextract
% \end{demo}
% \DescribeMacro{\crd@output}
% The output function puts the formatted chords on their place.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\crd@musixOutput#1{\hbox{\zchar{\crddefaultheight}{\hbox to\elemskip{#1\hss}}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \section{Customization}
% If the default implementation does not suite the needs
% some tips of how to change the default behaviour will be
% given.
% \subsection{Changing the extensions}
% \begin{description}
% \item[Q:] How do I get the symbol $Dm^{M7}$ ?
% \item[A:] The M has to be put to the upper extensions list, so we
% have to change the definition in the \verb|\crd@qual| table:
% \def\crddefaultheight{0}
% \begin{demo}[w]{$Dm^{M7}$}
% \makeatletter%
% \def\crd@qualM{\crd@append{\crd@capitaltype M}\to\crd@up}% major7
% \makeatother%
% \c DmM7 %
% \end{demo}
% \item[Q:] How do I get the symbol $Dm^{7-5}$ ?
% \item[A:]
% \begin{itemize}
% \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{-}
% \item
% The predefined symbol can be found by using `h' -- for
% half dimineshed.
% \begin{demo}[w]{h}
% \c Dh %
% \end{demo}
% \item
% to ge the diminished fifth explicit to the upper extensions one could
% either change the definition of the `h' to:
% \begin{demo}[w]{Dmh : $Dm^{7-5}$}
% \makeatletter%
% \def\crd@qualh%
% {\crd@append{\crd@numbertype 7-5}\to\crd@up}% half diminished
% \makeatother%
% \c Dmh %
% \end{demo}
% \item
% or may introduce an mapping for the -5 and has to write: D7-5
% \begin{demo}[w]{Dm7-5 : $Dm^{7-5}$}
% \makeatletter%
% \expandafter\def\csname\crd@qual5-\endcsname% dimin. 5
% {\crd@append{\crd@numberminus\crd@numbertype5}\to\crd@up}%
% \makeatother%
% \c Dm7-5 %
% \end{demo}
% \end{itemize}
% \end{description}
% \subsection{change fonts}
% \begin{description}
% \item[Q:] How do I change the font?
% \item[A:] One has to create his own fontstyle definition
% with a suitable formatting like for example:
% \begin{demo}[w]{change fonts}
% \makeatletter%
% \def\crd@fontstyleb{%
% \font\crd@newfont=cmssbx10%
% \let\crd@notetype=\crd@newfont%
% \def\crd@noteflat{\raise2pt\hbox{\musixchar90}}%
% \def\crd@notedoubleflat{\crd@noteflat\crd@noteflat}%
% \def\crd@notesharp{\raise3.5pt\hbox{\musixchar92}}%
% \def\crd@notedoublesharp{\crd@notesharp\crd@notesharp}%
% \let\crd@basstype=\crd@newfont%
% \def\crd@bassflat{\crd@noteflat}%
% \def\crd@bassdoubleflat{\crd@notedoubleflat}%
% \def\crd@basssharp{\crd@notesharp}%
% \def\crd@bassdoublesharp{\crd@notedoublesharp}%
% \let\crd@numbertype=\crd@newfont%
% \def\crd@numberflat{\crd@noteflat}%
% \def\crd@numbersharp{\crd@notesharp}%
% \def\crd@numberminus{\crd@newfont-}%
% \def\crd@numberplus{\crd@newfont+}%
% \let\crd@capitaltype=\crd@newfont % capitals in extension
% \let\crd@smalltype=\crd@newfont % small letters in extension
% \def\crd@hdim%
% {\crd@newfont$\circ$\kern-4.4pt\raise.9pt\hbox{\crd@newfont/}}%
% \def\crd@dim{\crd@newfont$\circ$}%
% }%
% \def\crd@formatcrdb{%
% \hbox{\kern\crd@hshift\elemskip\raise\crd@vshift\internote\hbox{%
% {\crd@notetype\crd@crdnote\crd@crdacc}%
% \crd@lo%
% \raise4pt%
% \hbox{%
% \crd@up%
% \ifx\crd@alt\empty\else\crd@numbertype(\crd@alt\crd@numbertype)\fi%
% }%
% \ifx\crd@bassnote\empty\else%
% {\crd@basstype/\crd@bassnote\crd@bassacc}%
% \fi%\
% }}
% }
% \crd@fontstyleb%
% \let\crd@formatcrd=\crd@formatcrdb
% \makeatother%
% \nobarnumbers%
% \startextract\NOtes\c D7,AfM7 \hu f\en\bar\endextract%
% \end{demo}
% \end{description}
% Contributions for improving either the current fontstyle
% or the definition of new ones are welcome.
% \section{Todo}
% The actual implementation is not really open for changing
% the input format and the way the chords are displayed.
% One should implement an middle layer which is fixed and
% offer various implementations either for the input format
% and the output format which are written using this layer.
% \section{Change Log}
% \begin{description}
% \item[Version 1.0] (2.11.2004) \par Initial version.
% \item[Version 1.1] (1.7.2005) \par
% Added input guard and resetting of parameters
% if file is included more than once.
% \end{description}
% \Finale \PrintIndex
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%%% mode: plain-tex
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