lecture 22

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Josia Pietsch 2023-07-04 18:09:52 +02:00
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@ -119,3 +119,6 @@ is the unique solution to this problem.
} }
Stopping times and optional stopping are very relevant for the exam, Stopping times and optional stopping are very relevant for the exam,
the Markov property is not. the Markov property is not.
No notes will be allowed in the exam.
Theorems from the lecture as well as
homework exercises might be part of the exam.

inputs/lecture_22.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
\lecture{22}{2023-07-04}{Intro Markov Chains II}
We want to start with the basics of the theory of Markov chains.
% \begin{example}[Markov chains with two states]
% Suppose there are two states of a phone line,
% $0$,``free'', or $1$, ``busy''.
% We assume that the state only changes at discrete units of time
% and model this as a sequence of random variables.
% Assume
% \begin{IEEEeqnarra*}{rCl}
% \bP[X_{n+1} = 0 | X_n = 0] &=& p\\
% \bP[X_{n+1} = 0 | X_n = 1] &=& (1-p)\\
% \bP[X_{n+1} = 1 | X_n = 0] &=& q\\
% \bP[X_{n+1} = 1 | X_n = 1] &=& (1-q)
% \end{IEEEeqnarra*}
% for some $p,q \in (0,1)$.
% We can write this as a matrix
% \begin{IEEEeqnarra*}{rCl}
% P &=& \begin{pmatrix}
% p & (1-p) \\
% q & (1-q)
% \end{pmatrix}
% \end{IEEEeqnarra*}
% Note that the rows of this matrix sum up to $1$.
% Additionally, we make the following assmption:
% Given that at some time $n$, the phone is in state $i \in \{0,1\}$,
% the behavior of the phone after time $n$ does not depend
% on the way, the phone reached state $i$.
% \begin{question}
% Suppose $X_0 = 0$.
% What is the probability, that the phone will be free at times
% $1 \& 2$ and will become busy at time $3$,
% i.e.~what is $\bP[X_1 = 0, X_2 = 0, X_3 = 1]$?
% \end{question}
% We have
% \begin{IEEEeqnarra*}{rCl}
% \bP[X_1 = 0, X_2 = 0, X_3 = 1]
% &=& \bP[X_3 = 0 | X_2 = 0, X_1 = 0] \bP[X_2 = 0, X_1 = 0]\\
% &=& \bP[X_3 = 0 | X_2 = 0] \bP[X_2 = 0, X_1 = 0]\\
% &=& \bP[X_3 = 0 | X_2 = 0] \bP[X_2 = 0 | X_1 = 0] \bP[X_1 = 0]\\
% &=& P_{0,1} P_{0,0} P_{0,0}
% \end{IEEEeqnarra*}
% \begin{question}
% Assume $X_0 = 0$. What is $\bP[X_3 = 1]$?
% \end{question}
% For $\{X_3 = 1\}$ to happen, we need to look at the following
% disjoint events:
% % \begin{IEEEeqnarra*}{rCl}
% % \bP(\{X_3 = 1, X_2 = 0, X_1 = 0\}) &=& P_{0,1} P_{0,0}^2,\\
% % \bP(\{X_3 = 1, X_2 = 0, X_1 = 1\}) &=& P_{0,1}^2 P_{1,0},\\
% % \bP(\{X_3 = 1, X_2 = 1, X_1 = 0\}) &=& P_{0,0} P_{0,1} P_{1,1},\\
% % \bP(\{X_3 = 1, X_2 = 1, X_1 = 1\}) &=& P_{0,1} P_{1,1}^2.
% % \end{IEEEeqnarr*}
% More generally, consider a Matrix $P \in (0,1)^{n \times n}$
% whose rows sum up to $1$.
% Then we get a Markov Chain with $n$ states
% by defining $\bP[X_{n+1} = i | X_{n} = j] = P_{i,j}$.
% \end{example}
Let $E$ denote a \vocab{discrete state space},
usually $E = \{1,\ldots, N\}$
or $E = \N$ or $E = \Z$.
Let $\alpha$ be a probability measure on $E$.
We say that $(p_{i,j})_{i \in E, j \in E}$ is a
\vocab{transition probability matrix}, if
\forall i,j \in E .~p_{i,j} \ge 0 \land \forall i \in E \sum_{j \in E} p_{i,j} = 1.
Given a triplet $(E, \alpha, P)$, we say that a stochastic process $(X_n)_{n \ge 0}$,
i.e.~$X_n: \Omega \to E$, is a \vocab[Markov chain!discrete]%
{Markov chain taking values
on the state space $E$
with initial distribution $\alpha$
and transition probability matrix $P$},
if the following conditions hold:
\item $\bP[X_0 = i] = \alpha(i)$
for all $i \in E$,
\item $\bP[X_{n+1} = i_{n+1} | X_0 = i_0, X_1 = i_1, \ldots, X_{n} = i_{n}]
= \bP[X_{n+1} = i_{n+1} | X_n = i_n]$
for all $n = 0, \ldots$, $i_0,\ldots, i_{n+1} \in E$
(provided $\bP[X_0 = i_0, X_1 = i_1, \ldots, X_n = i_n] \neq 0$ ).
For all $n \in \N_0$ and $i_0,\ldots,i_n \in E$, we have
\bP[X_0 = i_0, X_1 = i_1, \ldots, X_n = i_n] =
\alpha(i_0) \cdot p_{i_0,i_1} \cdot p_{i_1,i_2} \cdot \ldots \cdot p_{i_{n-1}, i_n}.
For all $n \in \N$, $i_n \in E$, we have
\bP[X_n = i_n] = \sum_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1} \in E} \alpha_{i_0} p_{i_0,i_1} \cdot \ldots \cdot p_{i_{n-1}, i_n}.
\begin{example}[Simple random walk on $\Z$]
Let $E \coloneqq \Z$, $(\xi_n)_n$ i.i.d.~with $\bP[\xi_i = 1] = \bP[\xi_i = -1] = \frac{1}{2}$.
Let $X_0 = 0, X_n = \xi_1 + \ldots + \xi_n$.
Let $\alpha = \delta_0 \in M_1(\Z)$.
P &=&
& \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & & & & & 0\\
\ldots & 0 & \frac{1}{2} & 0 & \frac{1}{2} & 0 & \ldots \\
& \ldots & 0 & \frac{1}{2} & 0 & \frac{1}{2} & 0 & \ldots \\
& & \ldots & 0 & \frac{1}{2} & 0 & \frac{1}{2} & 0 & \ldots \\
0 & & & & & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \\
% \begin{example}
% Consider a game, where a player wins or loses $1$ per round of the game.
% Let $p$ be the probability of winning.
% The player plays until they lose all money.
% Let $X_n$ be the capital of the gambler at time $n$.
% Define a matrix $P$
% by $P_{0,0} = 1$, $P_{i,i+1} = p$, $P_{i+1,i} = (1-p)$
% and all other entries $0$.
% \end{example}
Let $E$ be a complete, separable metric space,
$\alpha \in M_1(E)$.
For every $x \in E$,
let $\mathbf{P}(x, \cdot )$ be a probability measure on $E$.%
\footnote{$\mathbf{P}(x,\cdot )$ corresponds to a row of our matrix in the discrete case}
Given the triples $(E, \alpha, \{\mathbf{P}(x, \cdot )\}_{x \in E})$,
we say that a stochastic process $(X_n)_{n \ge 0}$
is a \vocab[Markov chain]{Markov chain taking values on $E$ %
with starting distribution $\alpha$ %
and transition probability $\{\mathbf{P}(x, \cdot )\}_{x \in E}$}
\item $\bP[X_0 \in \cdot ] = \alpha(\cdot )$,
\item For all bounded, measurable $f: E \to \R$,
\bE[f(X_{n+1}) | \cF_n] = \bE[f(X_{n+1}) | X_n]
= \int_E f(y) \mathbf{P}(X_n, \dif y) \text{ a.s.}
This agrees with the definition in the discrete case,
as all bounded, measurable $f: E\to \R$ can be approximated
by simple functions,
i.e.~(ii) from the discrete case implies (ii) from the general definition.
If $\{\mathbf{P}(x, \cdot )\}_{x \in E}$ is a transition probability,
then for all $f: E \to \R$ bounded and measurable,
define $\mathbf{P} : \cB_{\text{bdd}}(E) \to \cB_{\text{bdd}}$
(\mathbf{P} f)(x) \coloneqq \int_E f(y) \mathbf{P}(x, \dif y).
We get the following fundamental link between martingales and Markov chains:
Suppose $(E, \alpha, \{\mathbf{P}(x, \cdot )\}_{x \in E})$
is given.
Then a stochastic process $(X_n)_{n \ge 0}$ is a Markov chain
iff for every $f: E \to \R$ bounded, measurable,
M_n(f) \coloneqq f(X_n) - f(X_0) - \sum_{j=1}^{n-1} (\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{P})f(X_j)
is a martingale
with respect to the canonical filtration of $(X_n)$.
Fix some bounded, measurable $f : E \to \R$.
Then, for all $n$, $M_n(f)$ is bounded
and hence $M_n(f) \in L^1$.
$M_n(f)$ is $\cF_n$-measurable for all $n \in \N$.
$\bE[M_{n+1}(f) | \cF_n] = M_n(f)$.
It suffices to show
$\bE[M_{n+1}(f) - M_n(f) | \cF_n] = 0$ a.s.
We have
\bE[M_{n+1}(f) - M_n(f) | \cF_n]
&=& \bE[f(X_{n+1} | \cF_n] - (\mathbf{P}f)(X_n)\\
&\overset{\text{Markov property}}{=}& (\mathbf{P}f)(X_n) - (\mathbf{P}f)(X_n)\\
&=& 0
Suppose $(M_n(f))_n$ is a martingale for all bounded, measurable $f$.
By the martingale property, we have
\bE[f(X_{n+1}) | X_n]
&=& (\mathbf{P}f)(X_n)\\
&=& \int f(y) \mathbf{P}(X_n, \dif y)
This proves (ii).
Given $\{\mathbf{P}(x, \cdot )\}_{x \in E}$,
we say that $f: E \to \R$ is \vocab{harmonic},
iff $f(x) = (\mathbf{P}f)(x)$
for all $x \in E$.
We call $f$ \vocab{super-harmonic},
if $(\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{P}) f \ge 0$
and \vocab{sub-harmonic},
if $(\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{P}) f \le 0$.
If $f$ is (sub/super) harmonic, then for every
$(E, \{\mathbf{P}(x, \cdot )\}_{x \in E}, \alpha)$
and every Markov chain $(X_n)_{n \ge 0}$,
we have that
$f(X_n)$ is a (sub/super) martingale.
Given a set $A$ and a function $f$ on a superset of $A$.
Find a function $u$, such that $u$ is harmonic,
and $u = f$ on $A$.
Let $u(x) \coloneqq \bE_x[f(X_{T_A}]$,
where $\bE_x$ is the expectation with respect to the Markov chain
starting in $x$,
and $T_A$ is the stopping time defined by the Markov chain hitting $A$.

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