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translation status * If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature you can [join the Matrix chat][matrix] or open an [issue][issues]. Please note that I work on this project in my free time. Thus I might not respond immediately and not all ideas will be implemented. * You can implement a new feature yourself: - Create a fork of this repository: [![][shield-gh-fork]][fork] - Create a new branch named `feature/` of `fix/` and commit your changes. - Open a new pull request. See [BUILD.md](BUILD.md) for instructions how to build this project. ## Notable changes compared to [Finn's Launcher][original-repo]: * Edge gestures: There is a setting to allow distinguishing swiping at the edges of the screen from swiping in the center. * Compatible with [work profile](https://www.android.com/enterprise/work-profile/), so apps like [Shelter](https://gitea.angry.im/PeterCxy/Shelter) can be used. * The home button now works as expected. ### Visual * This app uses the system wallpaper instead of a custom solution. * The font has been changed to [Hack][hack-font]. * Font Awesome Icons were replaced by Material icons. * The gear button on the home screen was removed. Instead pressing back opens the list of applications and the app settings are accessible from there. ### Search * The search algorithm was modified to prefer matches at the beginning of the app name, i.e. when searching for `"te"`, `"termux"` is sorted before `"notes"`. * The search bar was moved to the bottom of the screen. ### Technical * Small improvements to the gesture detection. * Different apps set as default. * Package name was changed to `de.jrpie.android.launcher` to avoid clashing with the original app. * Dropped support for API < 21 (i.e. pre Lollypop) * Some refactoring --- --- [hack-font]: https://sourcefoundry.org/hack/ [original-repo]: https://github.com/finnmglas/Launcher [toolate]: https://toolate.othing.xyz/projects/jrpie-launcher/ [issues]: https://github.com/jrpie/Launcher/issues/ [fork]: https://github.com/jrpie/Launcher/fork/ [store-googleplay]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.jrpie.android.launcher [store-googleplay-badgecampain]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.jrpie.android.launcher&pcampaignid=pcampaignidMKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1 [store-fdroid]: https://f-droid.org/packages/de.jrpie.android.launcher/ [shield-release]: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/jrpie/Launcher?style=flat [latest-release]: https://github.com/jrpie/Launcher/releases/latest [shield-contribute]: https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-007ec6.svg?style=flat [shield-license]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-007ec6?style=flat [shield-gh-watch]: https://img.shields.io/github/watchers/jrpie/Launcher?label=Watch&style=social [shield-gh-star]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/jrpie/Launcher?label=Star&style=social [shield-gh-fork]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/jrpie/Launcher?label=Fork&style=social [matrix]: https://s.jrpie.de/launcher-matrix [discord]: https://s.jrpie.de/launcher-discord [license]: https://github.com/jrpie/Launcher/blob/master/LICENSE