# µSearch A simple proof of concept app to allow selecting search engines by using a prefix. This app has an intent-filter for `Intent.ACTION_SEARCH_WEB`, selects a search engine based on the prefix of the query and the opens a browser. It is intended to be used together with [µLauncher](https://github.com/jrpie/Launcher), but any app using `Intent.ACTION_SEARCH_WEB` works. ## Example Usage * Type "sp test" in the search bar, and launch search. * Select µSearch as search engine. * µSearch launches and detects the prefix sp for StartPage * µSearch opens the url `https://startpage.com/sp/search?query=test` Currently the following engines are supported: prefix | search engine -------|---------------------- ddg | duckduckgo (default) sp | start page g | google wp | wikipedia aw | arch wiki msn | mathscinet # TODO * Add UI to let users configure search engines * Add tutorial * Icon