* If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature you can open an [issue][issues]. Please note that I work on this project in my free time. Thus I might not respond immediately and not all ideas will be implemented.
* You can implement a new feature yourself:
- Create a fork of this repository: [![][shield-gh-fork]][fork]
- Create a new branch named `feature/<your feature>` of `fix/<your fix>` and commit your changes.
- Open a new pull request.
## Notable changes compared to [Finn's Launcher][original-repo]:
* Compatible with [work profile](https://www.android.com/enterprise/work-profile/), so apps like [Shelter](https://gitea.angry.im/PeterCxy/Shelter) can be used.
* Font Awesome Icons were replaced by Material icons.
* The gear button on the home screen was removed. Instead pressing back opens the list of applications and the app settings are accessible from there.
### Search
* The search algorithm was modified to prefer matches at the beginning of the app name, i.e. when searching for `"te"`, `"termux"` is sorted before `"notes"`.
* The search bar was moved to the bottom of the screen.
### Technical
* Small improvements to the gesture detection.
* Different apps set as default.
* Package name was changed to `de.jrpie.android.launcher` to avoid clashing with the original app.